Amara's Bio
Heather's Bio
Pictures of Our Friends
Choir pictures VERY cute!
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Thank Yous
In Rememberance of Amara Hosinski
A Tribute To Justin Bies
In Memoriam-Heather Gapske
This picture was taken about a year before Amara got sick. That same day she was eating KFC and threw it into the road and then chased the seagulls away. It was great.
Hey guys. Its me.. Heather. The world lost a lot of beatiful. She is in no pain but is in a place that is worthy of her spirit. Please come to the service it will be on Monday. She loved you all and would want you to be there. Please check out the tribute page for her.
It's just another day here. Nothing too special. The craziest thing happened yesterday... I was in Roscommon for the annual Solo and Ensemble Festival. I was standing outside one of the rooms, waiting for the people to get done singing when Marie tapped me on the shoulder and said Heather, Look! So I did, and there she was. A girl that looked identical to Amara. Hair, eyes, smile, even the hand gestures. Of course I cried, but it also made me think.. she's here with us, and she always will be. It was really hard for me to go to S&E because I have experienced that with her every other year before that. Thank You Amara!!
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