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With a hot debut album and a hotter video on MTV, Willa Ford is built for the way you live.

Willa Ford and I are sitting at the swanky Royalton Hotel 44 Restaurant in New York City talking about..... urinals. I tell her that the Royalton's men's room doesn't have a urinal, but a giant waterfall that you pee into. SHe gives a courtesy "Oh yeah?" then stares desperatly at her cell phone. I guess she's rather talk about her newly finished album, Willa Was Here, featuring the blistering single "I Wanna Be Bad", instead of merits of places where I whizzed. To each her own.

In case you're dead (yet somehow still able to read) Willa Ford is the stunning pop diva who's been kicking hip-hop-influenced dance tracks into everybody's ear holes and convincing your girlfriend to buy Pantene Pro-V shampoo. She's also the hated enemy of legions of jealous Backstreet Boys Fans - one more reason to fall on your knees and worship the new Queen of sexiness. OVER MY DEAD CORPSE

STUFF: In your press release, you proudly declare that you're "not a cheerleader". I was a cheerleader in high school. Does that make me girlish in your eyes?
WILLA: No, I think cheerleader is a term of bubbliness.

STUFF: Carful, I'm fragile.
WILLA: Alot of my friends are cheerleaders, so don't get me wrong. I was in that whole pep-rally scene. Then in 10th grade, all of a sudden, I just broke loose. They called me Gangsta Barbie. I'd come pimping into school with chrome concept rims on my Prelude and my killer system bumpin'. I was totally one of the boys, and because of that, I gained so much insight into how there brains work. So now when I am in my pumps and my minishirts, it's like, I get it. you were "one of the boys" because the girls hated you. your a slut and that's the only reason the boys paid attention to you.

STUFF: Pumps just look so uncomfortable to me.
WILLA: It's our sexuality, our weapon that a man doesn't have, so you can take him down to size in an instant. I couldn't imagine not being a female, being able to go into a club and just work it and control the situation. Every guy out there is going, "Damn! She's on to our game." yup- they're sitting there thinking your an airheaded bimbo- so basically, YEA THEY GET IT

STUFF: How do the ladies react to your gaming?
WILLA: It is so weird how some girls react to sexuality. I can just hear the backlash I'm going to get for my video and for being in Stuff. It's really ridiculous that a female looks at another female who's absolutely stunning and is like, "Ugh, I can't believe she did that." Yeah, ain't it ridiculous how some of us have morals?

STUFF: Were you always so very, very bad?
WILLA: My previous label tried to manufacture me. They wanted me to be cleaner, squeakier, sweeter and nicer. And that's why we didn't get along. I mean, I like to curse. The f-word is just such a great adjective, it 's not even funny. You're not helping your case you moron. let me tell you- if i had a 12 year old who looked up to some trashy dressing, swearing wanna be singer- oh yea, i'd run RIGHT out and buy her album....RIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT

STUFF: It makes me giggle from time to time. With all the social unrest in the world, do you think it is responsible to say you want to be bad?
WILLA: I'm into entertaining myself, I'm into entertaining others and right now, I want to be bad - and there is nothing wrong with that. Let me just tell you right now: It's a beautiful thing. ENTERTAINING YOURSELF EH?

STUFF: I am wearing triple pleated pants right now. Is that bad?
WILLA: It's so evil.

STUFF: In your video, you have a run-in with the cops. What are we to infer happened before you left them on the side of the road and drove off with their car?
WILLA: The cops and I were eating doughnuts, and this jelly doughnut exploded on my face. But, you couldn't really see it and the director told us to keep going. So then I pulled the cop down onto the ground out of frame. I am not saying anything happened, but it leave a lot to the imagination. When I stood back up, I wiped my mouth because of the doughnut, but on film it totally looked like I was wiping off something else! And the director cut it into the video! I was like, "I am bad, but I know my limits on MTV, you know?" There's a first

STUFF: Ever have any real brushes with the law?
WILLA: Yeah. I got in trouble once for pimping. Cops had a problem with it. I'm not sure why. All I was doing was entertaining the customer. Just kidding. I got a speeding ticket once. why doesn't that pimping comment surprise me??? Told you she worked on the corner

STUFF: You performed at theme parks. Did you ever get hit on by any of those walking Disney characters?
WILLA: The other day I was at the Hard Rock Hotel, and they've got some mascot that walks around. I was trying to check into the hotel, and it would not leave me alone. It was like a bird Woody Woodpecker, maybe. Some satanic-looking thing. He couldn't talk. It was all body language. The whole staring up and down, tapping on my shoulder, being like, "Hey, how are you doing, baby?" I was like, "Get away from me."

STUFF: He tried the same shit with me. You list Boyz II Men and Jodeci as influences. Do you like anyone good?
WILLA: I love sultry people. Like, Basia, a jazz artist. Mary J. Blige - I like the toughness in her voice. There's the obvious: Madonna, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson. She looks up to all the Pop singers and says she's not "pop" ... go figure

STUFF: I read that you don't like to be compared to Britney.
WILLA: Yeah, who, by the way, is very talented and a very hard worker. Magazines are always trying to pit all of the girls against each other. We're dominating the market. We're all for each other. You know. We don't hate each other. RIIIIIIIIIGHT who's this "we" shit? You're a NOBODY! britney didn't even know who you were till someone played her a song in which you dissed her.

STUFF: OK. Just to pit you against each other, say aliens abducted you and Britney and you had to fight to the death for the winner to be returned to earth. What would you do to her?
WILLA: [Laughs] I think me and Britney have enough sexuality between the two of us that we could conjure up something and get those aliens to let us go back home. So what? They'd take turns performing sexual favors on the aliens until they let them go home? ... she really IS a slut.

STUFF: You're less than popular with a lot of Backstreet Boys fans. I've seen some of the "I hate Willa" Web sites. What is wrong with these girls?
WILLA: It's crazy! It all started when I went on tour with BSB and all these rumors about me mistreating them and their fans began circulating. These fans are writing, "Willa is Satan. She will destroy the earth!" It's like, dude, I'm strong and I'm powerful, but I'm not that good. I've got to be honest.

STUFF: Is there anything you'd like to say to them?
WILLA: Do something more constructive with your freaking time! Go start a freaking organization to feed the homeless guy on the corner of your street. Get over it, people.

STUFF: One girl said she's boycotting Teen People, Panteen and Atlantic Records because of you. Think she'll boycott us?
WILLA: If she boycotts everything I am involved with, before she knows it she is going to be Amish.

STUFF: Do you hope to get guy groupies on tour?
WILLA: Of course I want guy groupies. I mean, come on. Dumb question. I'm in rock 'n' roll for the men! [Laughs] So, guys say it is all about rock 'n' roll, hard-core chicks, drugs, whatever. I'm not into drugs, and I'm not into the chicks. But I could be into the guys and maybe the booze. I can proudly say to America-this is a good message for the kids-I did my first keg stand the other day. It was a proud, proud moment. We have it on tape, too. I'm sure it'll be on Hard Copy soon. Sorry willa, but your not NEAR famous enough to be on hard copy. and yea- that's a GREAT MESSAGE FOR THE KIDS...

STUFF: You've changed your name a couple of times. Do you have anything else in common with P. Diddy?
WILLA: I have an obsession for guns, man. [Laughs] Just kidding. Totally a joke. I think he and I look alot alike. People often mistake me for his twin sister. In what universe?

STUFF: Any other passions other than singing and staring at my pleated pants?
WILLA: I'd like to be an actor. But I want to be in something that makes people say, "This girl can act" vs. "Dude, she looks hot." But they can go hand in hand. Angelina Jolie is beautiful. If I had to say who I was most like, it'd be her. Minus the kissing of the brother.

STUFF: And here I thought you were bad.

There's a difference between being real, and having class. Willa has no class and doesn't even try to pretend to. Her public relations expert really do need to sit down and have a talk with her. What image is willa sending out to kids? She's not 21 why is she talking about drinking beer? Who cares if most people do it before that age, she should know better than to say anything like that.

Willa Ford Overcomes BSB Fan Jealousy
By Gary Graff
Thanks to the thumping, Britney-like hit "I Wanna Be Bad," Willa Ford has made the transition from one of the most hated figures in pop music to one of its fastest rising stars. A child prodigy as a singer, the 20-year-old Ford — whose real name is Amanda Williford — first claimed fame as the girlfriend of Backstreet Boys cutie Nick Carter. For that she was vilified by jealous fans, who spread rumors about her mistreating Carter physically and emotionally. At one point before their breakup last October, there were more nearly four dozen anti-Willa chat groups operating on Yahoo!

"I think I'm a really good survivor case for kids and people out there who go through things," says Ford, who first met Carter at a high-school football game in her home town near Tampa, Fla. "The closest thing I could compare it to, which is really weird, is an interracial relationship; we were like two kids from different sides of the street, trying to be together, but the families — in our case, his family — wouldn't let us. That was the most painful part, the fact I was being rejected by people who were supposed to love me — so painful it's not even fair. You want these people to love you, and they fake it and make you think they do, but they turn their back on you. At one point, I was a very depressed person, to the point where I actually took medicine. I was falling apart in my own way, but I was hiding it from everybody. The hardest thing I've ever gone through was getting out of it."

Ford credits focusing on her own music career with pulling her out of that depression. After a stormy tenure with MCA, she wound up switching to Lava/Atlantic, which has "I Wanna Be Bad" blasting on radios across the country to build anticipation for her debut album, Willa Was Here, which hits stores on July 17. She's also signed a deal to be the spokesperson for the Pantene Pro-Voice competition. And despite comparisons to every other pop diva of the day, Ford says she's most driven to establish herself as an individual in a sea of wannabes — even if that means wanting to be a little bit bad with ya, baby.

"There's many talented girls out there, all talented in different aspects," she says. "But they'll never beat me at my own game — being real. That's my game. That's where I'm at. You know, 'Tomorrow on Hard Copy, Willa does a keg stand.' Yeah, that's me. With other girls, there'd be serious damage control, but, no, I'm a real person out there."
Gimme a break, why is she always blaming things on other people? She blames their breakup on BSB fans, and now Nicks family. Cant she take the blame for her own actions? Whining about it isnt going to gain her more fans.
I wouldn't mind the fact that she was trying to do her "own thing" if that's REALLY what she WAS trying to do. She hasn't done her "own thing" since she started doing interviews and dropping Nick's name whenever she had the chance.

TUNING OUT BACKSTREET NOISE Singer Willa Ford, 20, dated Backstreet Boy Nick Carter, 21, for two years before breaking up last October. Now with her dbut album, Willa Was Here, due in July, she's facing the wrath of Carter's fans--including everything form Web sites dissin her to signs saying "Die Willa." [gee i wonder why...] Still, "I can't let them stop me from what I've wanted to do since I was a kid," she says. Even if they are kidding around.

Willa Ford Celebrates Album Launch In New York April 27, 2001
Fashion Wire Daily NY April 27, 2001 - Elle magazine and Bloomingdale's hosted a launch party for singer Willa Ford's debut album "Willa Was Here" in New York last night.
Twenty-year-old Ford performed songs from her soon-to-be released album. Dressed in Theory jeans and a Moschino top she told FWD how excited she is about her career. "I am so psyched at the moment. I am really busy doing radio shows and the album is out in July."
As for her favorite designers: "I am being taught well. I love Fendi sunglasses, Chanel jewelry, Roberto Cavalli and Plein Sud."
The evening was also the re-launch for Bloomingdale's fourth floor designer collections. Models showed styles from Giorgio Armani, Dolce & Gabanna, Ralph Lauren, Donna Karan and Chanel.

Tired" of Britney? Willa laughs when we bring up her Britney-mentioning song "Tired" and gives us some insight to the lyrics.

"The lyrics and the chorus, [to explain them] it's like 'Tired of the blondes that look like me' Well, everybody's tired of the damn blondes. There's a hundred million of us now. 'Tired of people saying Britney.' Not a dis to her -- she's obviously the biggest and the best, so I used her. And tired of people saying, 'What kind of music do you do? Kinda like a Britney?' Or, 'You kinda look like....' We look nothing alike! We have blonde hair, that's it. And 'Tired of the pop that should flop, that should never be on TV and in teen magazines.' I think there's way too much pop on the radio, like cheesy ass sounds-like-everything-else pop on the radio. I'm tired of that and I know everyone else is."
the cover is a closeup of willa's face, the back is a pictrure of willa holding a microphone. on the inside flip cover, there are 7 quotes...
"Its a willa world, and you are lucky enough to live in it" *what the HELL do you mean by that?*
"I said to shut up, and listen up, ive got something to say...get a life" *who needs a life willa? YOU shut up!!!"
"I've got a thing or two to tell not such an innocent girl" *we all know that, slut*
"What is this i hear? you say im like her..i don't think so, im just so tired of being know it, i know it, they know the best." *you freaking WISH!!!*
"The only fools here are the ones that talk about what they think they know...when in reality they have NO idea." *talking about yourself again bitch?*
"I gave it my all, and what you did was like a slap in my face...just wait until the world finds out who you really are mr." *are you talking about nick here? and who slapped who again? plus who gave you his all?*
"I guess its a hollywood date someone for show...then go back to your crib at night and crawl up to someone of the same sex. i dont get it, and i dont really want to either." *dissing your own kind, willa?*
There are 2 more quotes on the back that are faded out and the track listing appears over them...
"You make bad look so good" *yes willa, you do. you make britney look like whitney houston.*
"I see you in my dreams at night, tossing and turning, trying to find whats lurking within my haunted heart" *i'd rather not...*

here is the interview with Willa and German Mag YAM!
For 4 years Amanda Lee Willaford (20) was the secret girlfriend of Backstreet Boy Nick Carter (21). In october 2000 they broke up surprisingly. In the bib YAM Interview Willa talks about her time with Nick for the first time...Nick was my big love"
YAM: Mandy, why did you break up?
Willa: 6 month ago me and Nick were at the point where it didnt work anymore. We had not much time for each other and we knew that this wouldnt change in near future. Nick had his plans with the Backstreet Boys and I am cocentrating on my singing career for over a year now.. The break up was the sad but logical consequenses. The permanent spatial and temporal separations were poison for our love.
YAM: Who broke up? Willa: It was a decission we made together - in october last year. After some Talks we hat it was clear for us: it is hard for us to accept the truth, but it made no sense anymore. YAM: What were the first days after the break up like? Willa: Horrible! I was very down. I was the most horrible time of my life. After all we have been together for four years. Nick was my first real boyfriend, my first man! My big love! It’s true that we argued a lot and in 1999 we seperated for several month but in the end he came back and we had a beautiful reconciliation. YAM: Has Nick ever disapoint you deeply? Willa: Yes, but it was after the break up. When he announced the break up to the public at the BSB mini world tour in november he said proudly that he is single again, I broke out in tears. It hurt me totally. After all the years of hiding, when he never really said he has a girlfriend and I never was allowed to be with him in public, he couldn’t wait to say it’s over... YAM: How much did you suffer from the secrety? Willa: I hated it! Because I have blonde hair as the Carter family I always had to say I’m his cousin.. I was not allowed to come near him when other people were near, not to hold his hand, not to kiss him. In april 1999 I was with him in Cologne when they presented their Millennium album. I was in the hotel room all the time and was watched by a bodyguard. Brian and Kevin had their wifes with them officially.
YAM: That must have hurt you very bad...
Willa: The worst in our relationship was that Nick never stood behind me. Brian told everyone about Leighanne, and Kevin about Kristin - only I had to hide myself from the fans just as I had done something bad. Im sure the other Backstreet Boys are glad that Nick is single again.
YAM: How was the end? Did you argue?
Willa: Now, why? Our separation was clean. We broke up as friends and we still talk to each other on the phone. For my 20th birthday on january 22nd he called me to say happy birthday, although it was the day of the start of the us tour - and I called hin on january 28th for his 21st birthday when he had a show at the super bowl.
YAM: What did you parents say about the break up?
Willa: They didnt jump to the ceiling in joy. My parents did like Nick. He was at my house often. And I was at his often too, but there sometimes was trouble, because Nick was too generous to me. It was because we were so much in love and he spoild me. As a substitute for all ma suffering (loughs).
YAM: Could you imagine that the two of you will find together again?
Willa: Thats hard to answer. Our ways will surely meet and I hope we can stay friends. At the moment we both are under huge stress: Nick is under pressure in the top and I am under pressure at the start. Its better for me to start as Willa by myself and not as the girlfriend of Nick Carter.
YAM: Why do you call yourself Willa and not Mandy?
Willa: I thought it was too girly-like, only Nick called me Mandy. Willa is tougher - a anomymous cool name, which give me free space. My songs are much tougher and more serious than the ones of some other blonde amerian female singers. (laughs)
YAM: When does you fist single come out?
Willa: Its called "I wanna be bad" and starts in april in the US and in fall in Europe. The text is about the thing that every girl sometimes likes the bad guy better than the nice guy... YAM: Is it true that you will go on tour with *NSYNC?
Willa: Yes, I will be on tour with them on the second leg of their US summer tour. I will be on stage with two dancers - our show will be tough and sexy... Mallory's comments: Doesnt she sound so ungrateful? Good God..she complains about how Nick protected her from the public and then she goes complaining to Teen People about all the Die Willa signs...

Willa is in the Teen People magazine with Carson Daly on the cover! There is also a picture..but for now here is the article.
If your familiar with Willa Ford, it may be for the wrong reason. The 20-year-old singer-whose lava/atlantic records debut is do out in july-gained a number of " anti-fans" when word spread out that she was dating Backstreet Boy Nick Carter. "Backstreet (mania) freaked me out" says Willa who was one of BSBs opening acts on its '99 u.s. tour. "I saw signs like ' Die(Willa).' It was scary." but not frightning enough to keep her away persuing a singing career as a solo artist. "I've been working for this all my life" says Willa, who split from Nick last October. "getting here is a mix of talent, luck and God." After toiling the in Entertainment Revue, a local singing troupe, the Ruskin, Fla.,native (real name Amanda Williford) was spotted by a talent scout. Willa's debut disc highlights all the qualities that turned her labels head: a booming voice, an R&B-influenced pop attack and a dont-mess-with-me attitude (she writes most of her lyrics).On her first single,I wanna be bad", she sings about not being that innocent, and on "tired", willa list her pet peeves, one which is being compared to Britney Spears." Its not a dis to her",she says, "just dont categorize me".


Jess: There's a rumor going around that you are going to be on the NSYNC tour, is that true?
Willa: I really can't say yes or no at this point.
Jess: Oh ok, I understand. When will the single be released to radio?
Willa: This month sometime hopefully. (*LMAO as if thats what she said 2 years ago!!)
Jess: If you could be any other person for a day, who would it be and why?
Willa: I'd be Marilyn Monroe because she is just the ultimate ... and I really admire her. (*okay I can agree with that b/c Marilyn Monroe was like fake and she had affairs with married guys so yeah I see why she'd want to be like her..)
Jess: Who was your biggest, number 1 inspiration while you were trying to make it big? (*dont you mean now why you are still trying to make it big?)
Willa: Wow, I had a lot of inspirations, you want me just to pick one?
Jess: Name a few.
Willa: Madonna, Az Yet, Mary J. Blige
Jess: What's the craziest rumor ever said about you since you started, and how do you react to them? (*well regis I tell them to fuck off and its MY boyfriend not yours cuz I was fucking him last night, and slap them and flick them off *gives clueless smile*)
Willa: Man, there has been so many. I can only pick one? HAHAHA (*okay am I the only one who thought that was dumb and NOT funny?)
Jess: Give us a few of the CRAZIEST.
Willa: Ok, once I was pregnant with Justin Timberlake's baby or something ... another was that I steal TVs. (*LMAO okay for the first rumor, she prolly started that, cuz she prolly asked Justin out and he said no, and for the 2nd rumor, Willa hunny, its not a rumor if its true....)
Jess: How do you react to such things? (*like omg i thought we like already went over this or something...)
Willa: You can only react in so many ways. I just try to be as positive as possible. (*LMFAO that is a JOKE!) I mean if they want to try to get in my way, then let them. But they certainly won't stop me. (*Yeah we've noticed that cuz you just WONT GO AWAY!!)
Jess: Right on! What are your hopes for your career? (award wise, record breaks, etc.)
Willa: Wow, I haven't even thought about that. I'm not out to break records. I'm just here to try to reach out to someone, even if it's just one person and get some kind of message across. (*rrriiighhht its more like, make millions and millions doing it!)
Jess: If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be and why?
Willa: I would collaborate with my mom (*because if it were not for her I woulda never been put in slutty clothes and pushed on the Carter's door step and used Nick to get this record deal! Thanx mom!) because she is a singer, and she is a great singer too. Not many people know that about her. (*wonder why many people dont know that about her
Jess: What's your favorite song on your album and why?
Willa: Oh man ... my favorite song on my album right now is probably "Haunted Heart" because it has a really hidden meaning to it. And also, "Get A Life" (*because I like to take all the rumors directed towards me positive!!) because in that song I totally tell it like it is. Some people may not respect me for that song, but I could care less. (*lmao you've established that b/c half the world has already seen how rude you are...)
Jess: So, what's in your CD player right now? Who are you really into?
Willa: In my CD player right now... Papa Roach, Born Into Kaos (*LMAO wonder why?), Black and Blue (*um yeah Black and Blue is my favorite cd, I really love the first song, 'The Call' Yeah its got a great beat. And I love number 10 'Not for you' its great *smiles*), Stroke 9, Az Yet, Destiny's Child.
Jess: What's going to be the title of your debut album?
Willa: It's tentative. (*waoh big word for ms. GPA 4.5 HA!)
Jess: Is it between two things or is it just undecided?
Willa: We have a pretty good idea ... but undecided.
Jess: Oh ok. What was the last concert you attended as a fan?
Willa: As a fan? (*Yeah ya dumb bitch you sure as hell aint no star)
Jess: Yea. Willa: Oh gosh... Janet Jackson. Jess: What's your favorite store?
Willa: Guess. (*umm that was just plan stupid YOU SELL OUT!)
Jess: So, that leads right into ... are you the new Guess girl?
Willa: Ehhh maybe. HAHA (*again not funny)
Jess: Will you be performing at the Pro Voice concert in NY?
Willa: More than likely. (*and thats something to be proud of, they couldn't get debbie gibbson so they had to find someone!)
Jess: Finally, do you have any thing you would like to say to your fans?
(*fans...humm OH you mean that one girl that stalks her?) Willa: To any fans I might have (*lmao she's got one thing right) - I thank you from the bottom of my heart. (*OMG she has a heart? someone call the papers! Willa Bitch has a heart! even if it IS ugly...) You guys (*no hun when there is one its not plural, there is no s.)kick ass and you proved to me that you would be there no matter what. (*no matter how many people i use and abuse *cries* your still there for me! You guys rock!!
Okay did she NOT sound like the biggest ditz in the world?

"I believe in destiny. From the day I was born, this is what I was put on this earth to do.” (RIIIIIIIIGHT- with nick's help that is) That’s the observation from Lava/Atlantic artist Willa Ford, who says, “I was so focused on music at such a young age… (THATS BECAUSE YOUR MOM DIDN'T HAVE YOU WORKING ON THE CORNER YET) people just can’t comprehend it. My family and friends all knew there was something kind of different about me (you are cursed aren't you?) At age 11, to better feed that Curse, Ford joined a singing/dance troupe called “Entertainment Revue” but, when asked if her first performance was a terrifying experience as one would expect, she laughs. “No, not at all…

At age 16, Ford made the quantum leap to that mythical “next level” when she seriously began studying opera. “I did it for three years and actually became quite good at it,” (tad bit cocky aren't we?) she recalls. “The thing with opera is that they try and take the raspiness out of your voice, and I found that I was losing my quality…so I quit.” (no- it probably was because you don't have the talent for it)Just as well, because it turns out that opera wasn’t destined to be a viable career option.

Ford soon found that, despite such 1980s pop influences as Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, and Duran Duran, that trademark raspy vocal quality lent itself more naturally to R&B. “I really got into Az Yet, Jodeci, Toni Braxton…I just gravitated toward that stuff.” (that's because you sucked at everything else you tried)

Today, at the ripe old age of 20, Ford is the first signing by radio-programmer-turned-Lava-A&R-exec Andy Shane. “Andy is like the proud father,” she laughs. “He came from radio so he knows what goes into the process. It’s great to have someone with that much energy on my side.” (just because everyone else hates you)

Living in a radio hotbed like Tampa, Ford is a voracious listener. “I listen to both Wild 98.7 and 93.3 ’FLZ, which gives me a good mix of everything that’s going on in the Top 40 market,” she says, although she admits she now listens a bit differently. “I don’t just listen because I like a song—I now listen to the production. (stealing ideas again are we??) I like to go out and buy the record because I want to see who the writers are—maybe it’s someone I’d like to collaborate with next…I also listen to know what I’m not going to do.”

With the current wave of profitable teen pop plastered throughout Top 40, is Ford concerned about fitting a particular pop formula? “I think some artists get comfortable with it, and they think that radio’s comfortable with it and will naturally play it. But if you really want to have that breakout song, it’s got to be something that definitely pushes the envelope,” she says. Speaking of which, her debut single, “I Wanna Be Bad” impacts radio in early April. “The video concept is off the hook,” she laughs. (probably copying britney again)

Recently signed to Lava/Atlantic, Ford has collaborated with a diverse group of writers and producers in crafting her debut album, although she writes most of her own lyrics. “Many artists are content with somebody giving them their music. I don’t play that game. (RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT- you just copy the melody right? like "somebody take the pain away"- sounds JUST like the eurithmics "somebody take the rain away"I just have to write it…I can’t stand not to write something. It’s like therapy—that’s what my music is for me. There are so many things you go through day-to-day, and you have to have an out—which is my piece of paper to just start writing about it.”

Since signing with the label, and given the hoopla (haters)surrounding her forthcoming appearance at the Gavin Seminar, Ford has definitely noticed that the pace of her life has been cranked up. “I’ve been on the road for two years doing the record, press, promotion, shows, etc,” she says. “All of a sudden, everybody wants a piece. Hopefully that won’t change." RIIIIIIIIGHT- you mean the press that NICK GOT YOU. you don't have the talent or guts to go anywhere willa- get a clue

