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What the experts say...


In-The-Know, see there is another great upcomming artist and see all Willa fans that's someone who knows. I am also in the business and it's hard,and that's an understatement Willa can't mooch off Nick forever. Do you know how much work you have to put into being an artist of music or entertainer period. It takes more than some people can imagine and it will make your head spin, trust me. Sorry to bust your bubbles but Willa dosn't have the talent or is she professional enough to pull off being famous or in the public eye. I have heard a lot of things about Willa/Mandah and I know that she already has such tight security around her that she can't talk to people because she has such a bad potty mouth. The crap she gives dosn't work in the music business. You either get your stuff done right and move on or you get left behind and Will is going to get the boot sooner or later. This site is run by MCA don't you think they can see all the hatered all these people have for Mandy? They're not blind or stupid. She would be aquiring negitive slaes, they would spend more money finacing her and not enough sales from her cd to balance out all the cash they wasted on her in the fist place. It's not worth that much of a risk for a girl who dosn't have the look or the talent. Being an etertainer is a package deal you can't be an ugly no talent person and expect to make it big. Only on freak terms like playing on the Tom Green show or like the high school nerd, ocasionally you can find someone that has less talet and even fewer looks who make it. And it's not so much the looks that matter because I'v seen some ugly entertainers in my life BUT they have massive amounts of talent. Some people work for years to make it big and they have all the talent some people don't have, but yet some how they get lost in the crowd and you think Mandah is going to surpass them?? No way!! Britney will come out with a Spanish Album before they take a chance on Mandah! If MCA is willing to take a chance on a no talent wannabe singer then that's their dumb mistake, her "career as an artisr" will fall in a matter of weeks maybe a month, maybe if she can last that long. Can I smell MAYBE a one hit wonder and that's not even likely. Trust me you don't sing to be famous you sing because you have a passion for it and seeing Mnadah live in concert all I can say it that she knows how to moan and that's it and even that wasn't good. Besides with all this Mandah hate that is very evident there is no way she'll be able to withstand all that hate mail and booing. If MCA plan on keeping her she won't make it past being an opening act, no one will support her. There is twice as much more negitive vibes about her then there are good. I was born singing and I'm staring my career finally. If Mandah is up against me she's dead. Mandah needs to evolve her voice, when she sings she sounds 5 years old and can't do anything with her voice, it's plain and boring. She has no talent except for dancing I will give her that, she can dance, not the best I've seen but she can. Listening to her songs make me wonder if they had a producer who was partically deaf in one ear listning to her and thinkinhg she could make it. I like the lyrics but why did they have to waste them on her? I think MCA will think twice before they really sign her. Besides, if she really wanted to make a respectable name for herself she should have know better than to open for BSB, everyone hates her. She's just scared and thinks that Nick can help her go far if she was on his tour, little they did both think it out enough to know that it would only make things worse.


I am in anyway associated with the Carter family, Nick, Mandy or anyone in their "circle". My name means, when it comes to music ability, talent, and marketability, I have been formally trained. I attended Berklee College of Music and graduated magna cum laude this year with degrees in Music Business/Management and Music Production and Engineering. I am currently working with a well known producer. I feel that someone should speak from the unbiased view of the record company. (I do not work for MCA, yet we all search for talent similarly. Be assures 9 out of 10 times it IS who you know that gets you a deal. No doubt Nick was the reason she was considered at all. Think about it, BSB = $. Girlfriend or friend that a BSB publicly endorses = $.) When all is said and done however, what it boils down to is talent. Mandy lacks talent. MCA is like any other company - we "rework" a vocalist's sound in the studio, making it smoother, more refined. The artist then works with a vocal coach to try to mimic the final recording. Be assured, in most cases, the changes made on a track is minimal. If the talent isn't there it is quite obvious. After talking with my colleagues, a few of us having seen "Willa" live, others having heard the tracks that were made public, we unanimously agreed that "Willa" was not marketable. She has very little (if any) vocal ability and talent. She was used on the Pokemon soundtrack because she fit. Plain and simple. It was "filler" for a soundtrack. Very often unknowns are put on a soundtrack as a type of "stepping stone" for their career. The amount of positive feedback that MCA received from test audiences (NOTE: NOT BSB fans! Random people in the industry, club DJ's, etc.) was disappointing it seems. Do not blame Nick, his fans or anyone who has bashed her. If anyone is to blame it's Mandy. She has no talent in the musical field. If you think she does, and you need to be immature and blame someone for her lack of ability, then blame people like me. We know what is going to sell records and what isn't. It was people in the recording industry's decision. We will never apologize for putting out only the best of what we have to offer. I know that no respectable label will put out crap just because of their boyfriend, husband, flavor of the week, etc. Nick Carter is how she got the opportunity to show what she's got (or in this case doesn't have). MCA has too much at stake to put backing behind "nothing". Anyone can be made to sound good on tape, it's live performances (which are a MUST for any artist!) that make or break you. According to most anyone who has seen her live, public reaction was lukewarm at best. That is not someone a record company wants to support. As for her past with Nick and it's effect on her career, there are very few things that good publicity can't "sweep under the proverbial rug". Ever heard of "media spin"? In the grand scheme of things, what Mandy allegedly did to Nick was small potatoes compared to the drug use, infidelity and numerous criminal offenses some artists have. Yet they still sell MILLIONS of albums. Mandy's past with Nick was NOT the demise of her career. She doesn't have what it takes - period. Face the facts and put your support behind a true artist. There is so much talent out there - give someone else a chance. "Willa" had hers...


Hi, I am yet another up-and-comer. Actually I'm from a trio, but anyways. Me and my group, who have had much music experience and training, have listened to "Willa". We think it's not fair for alot of people out there to not get a record deal when they have talent, and "Willa" get one because of her no talent self and boyfriend. She is probably the most non-marketable person in the biz I've seen. First of she does NOT have a voice good enough to be a singer. Now if she took three years of vocal training to begin w/ she would have been alot better. Who knows she coulda been in a group. She just doesn't work as a soloist. Second she doesn't have the look, which you obviously need in this business, look at Mandy Moore, Jessica Simpson. Who she commonly disses on her message boards. Which brings me to another thing, she has a bad attitude. She can't say everything she feels, wait she does. You can't do this in the business, because everyone has this perfect image of you and being a role model. "Willa" has already destroyed that image and there is basically no way to fix it. Being an entertainer has a lot of hard work trust me! We work from 10 in the morning till 9 at night..and we're not even signed! I don't think she has the patience or talent for fame. MCA would be better off w/o her.


Thanks for sending us your review "popdiva"! Rain and I totally understand where you are coming from, and we wish you all the best of luck with your climb up the music industry ladder!!

Brianne :o)

