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Nick's FAQ

"I really don't like talking about my personal life on the web site but there have been some vicious attacks, and I feel this needs to be set straight. I have had one serious relationship in the last year with a girl named Mandy (not Mandy Moore as many have suspected.) Many of you have seen pictures of her in magazines. Mandy and I broke up several weeks ago. The breaking point with Mandy was when she slapped my best friend Brent for listening to a BSB song. Mandy was also physically abusive to me and my fans; she just couldn't handle it. It really turned ugly after I helped her sign a record contract and she started recording her first album. When we broke up, she and her family took my big screen TV -- a gift from Jive Records. She has my regards, my pity, my love but also my goodbye."

May 24, 2000
Dear Fans,

First of all I would like to let it be known for a fact this is really the official Nick Carter site, operated on my behalf by my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Steve Spaulding.

A few months back, when I broke up with my girlfriend, someone who worked for my family put falsely exaggerated information on the site. That person has been dealt with and no longer works for the family. Now we can have cleaned an accurate site with updated and factual information only.

When my girlfriend and I broke up there were rumors posted on the site that were untrue. This of course was not my family’s doing, in fact, they knew nothing about it going on the site. As soon as my Aunt Debbie caught it she removed it from the site. You see my family cares about my girlfriend as much as I do. So having said that, she's not abusive, actually far from it. The fact is when people disagree they say things that aren’t true and that they really don't mean… I mean hey, that's relationships. Anyways, I care for her deeply and it would mean the world to me if all my fans would show her a little love and support please. We would also like the opportunity to work things out privately, not in public I hope my fans can respect that.

In regard to my family problems, the truth is all families have differences from time to time, but the most important thing is that they talk and work it out together to find a solution that everyone can be happy with, and that's what we did.

The real problems come from others, like disgruntled former employees of the family (who of course only see $$ when they think of the Carter family ) sticking their noses into private family matters. That is wrong because the bottom line is we are a family who has great love for one another, and always will. That will never change. With respect to my Mom, who I love dearly, who has worked so hard and sacrificed all her life to help me at my brothers and sisters succeed, she does not hate my girlfriend Mandy.

Everyone knows that the National Enquirer is exaggerator of the truth and they told a story that was based on lies told from an enemy of the family. I might note that my mother has the entire conversation documented and it was also witnessed by my half sister. I know that they printed false and exaggerated information for a fact. The truth is, in the brief conversation my mother had with them, she stated that she was "wishing the best for Nick and Mandy" but did they put it in their article? No, of course not, they don’t want the good things, they want to create scandals.

Suffice it to say that I hope we can put all this gossip behind us, and get back to what's really important, our love in respect for one another. And that goes for the rest of the world to.

Also I want to make it clear once and for all that I love my brother and four sisters dearly, and support them in their talents in every way I can. They have a lot of gifts to share with the rest of the world, and I know that my Mom and Dad look out for them the best they can. I’ve been keeping up with both Aaron and Leslie’s albums and they’re gonnna be great!


Nick G. Carter

OUR THOUGHTS:This new FAQ just has us laughing our asses off. What a way to cover up the first one..guess what? IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK! The main reason I know the first FAQ was legit was because if it wasn't it would not have taken 7 or 8 months to get another one up saying that the things stated about Willa were false. Here's what we believe happened...The first FAQ went up on the site, and as soon as Nick and the Siren got back together down it came. Once Nick realized the error of his ways and that all the fans were disgusted with Willa he decided 8 months later to write this FAQ! Now lets say the first FAQ was exaggerated lies. Why in the hell did it take so long for the second FAQ to show up and finally say the first one was wrong? If we were running the site as soon as the false faq was taken down the one stating it was false should have been up IMMEDIATELY after it not 8 months later. So Nick made a mistake in posting the first one and now he's trying to cover it up! We personally believe that Willa beat him and made him write this one! As for the comments he made about the Enquirer article (see below)...Nick said his mother DID talk to the enquirer, but what he tried to make it seem like was that all the negative stuff that Jane said about Mandy and Nick's relationship was false and that she simply said she wished them the best. Of course Jane is going to wish the best for her son, but that doesn't change the fact that she still dislikes the issues that were caused by Willa. The quotes in the article were stated by Jane, but the rest may not have been. Yes Jane said she wished them the best, but she also showed her distaste for the relationship at the present time.

Let us know what you guys think so email us with the subject title "Nick's FAQ" and We will post your responses on the site!

>"on august 18, 1999 everything was over. when the bsb shot the video for larger than life in the middle of august in orlando, nick had just broke up with his first long time relationshipp Mandy. in the MTV interview special that was broadcasted live from a studio in Florida, nick seemed petrified he didn't smiled at all. nobody besides the group could imagine that he just made the most difficult decision of his life. also, eight weeks later, when the bsb were in las vegas for two days and nick talked for the first time about the break up. he seems to be more serious and mature. his eyes are "yes it was a damn hard an painful decision" nick says "we have been together for 2 years . but i had to put an end to it otherwise i would have been broke" what was the reason for the break up? was there a huge fight? no, it was a sneaking process." nick explains with a toneless voice. "mandy got more and more possesive in every aspect. she drove a wedge between me and my family wanted to have me for herself. that is why she insisted on me not moving to Los Angeles with them but buying a house for both of us in Tampa. mandy decorated it, for much money. concerning spending money, she got more and more insatiable. if we had the tiniest argument, she alwyas wanted a present for reconciliation and the presents got bigger. when i look at that today with some distance then i see that mandy just used me. and that is a realization that hurt's me so much."the love story of nick and mandy started exactly on sept. 21, 1997. on this day the bsb started their first big tour through the USA in the tupperware center in orlando. mandy came with nick's sister BJ to the concert they were really good friends. mandy has seen nick a few times in the house of the carters but she didn't took much notice of him. but when she saw him as the star onstage she saw him with other eyes. "mandy just caught me,but it did'nt make it very hard for her" nick says today " iwasn't really experienced then, but i never had a seriuos relationship from this moment mandy accompanied nick partly on tour but she always stayed in the background. but privately nick was hen-pecked by her. when mandy wanted something, it was done, she'll get it. nick's bandmates made jokes on mandy's pussy power. mandy also was there on bsb's last germany tour and it should be her last. after the break up with mandy nick instantly sold his house in tampa. "i moved to my family in Los Angeles now." nick revealed and immediately his eyes start to shine again. "as our house there was too small. there i can have horses that was alwyas one of my dreams."till then nick's dad bob takes care of him. he drives nick from concert to concert in their own bus, just like in old times. nick grins "men have to stick together in bad times"


BACKSTREET BOYS SHOCKER: Love-struck Nick turns his back on his family

Backstreet Boy Nick Carter has broken the hearts of family members with the shocking news that he's turning his back on them and moving in with his girlfriend. The crashing blow came just weeks after Nick, 19, moved his family into a new multimillion-dollar home and promised to spend Christmas with them -- which he then skipped.

"When Nick told me he was moving out I was devestated," Nick's mom Jane Carter told The National Enquirer in an exclusive interview. "He made the announcement that he needed to be near his girlfriend Mandy Williford in Florida and he ditched his family in California. Nick left us in emotional shock!"

Nick and his family moved from Florida to Los Angeles last year so his siblings can pursue a show business career like big brother Nick. In September, just before Nick left on a Backstreet Boys tour, he moved the family to a big ranch 200 miles north of Los Angeles.

"But just as we moved, Nick and Mandy started seeing each other again," said his mom. "They met two years ago and their relationship has never been easy. Nick's hectic schedule caused them to break up several times. I thought Mandy was out of his system for good." Then, when Nick was on tour, "one day a big moving truck pulled up," his mom revealed.

"They said they were here to pack Nick's things and I freaked out. I don't know when I've ever cried so much. I contacted Nick to find out what was going on and that's when he dropped the bomb on us."

"Nick told his dad and me, 'Mandy and I are back together and when I return from the tour I'm moving back to Florida and she and I are going to live together.' Nick even told us that he no longer wanted his dad to have input in his business affairs and that he wanted to do it all himself. And to add insult to injury, before Nick ran back to Mandy, he planned a big Christmas celebration. Everyone was thrilled at the thought of Christmas in our new home, especially his brother and sisters.

"Nick's grandparents are very ill and this was probably their last Christmas. But then Nick pulled the rug out from under us, he was a no show.

"Once Nick moved out, we didn't hear from him for weeks. He wouldn't call and we couldn't get hold of him. Here we were not knowing if we were going to be kicked out of our new home, which Nick bought for us. Nick called just before Christmas and said that he will settle financially with us, but that remains to be seen."

"No matter what happens Nick's father and I will alway's be here for him, and we hope he comes home soon." --Robert Blackmon

(This article was said to be true on MTV's Ultrasound with the Backstreet Boys)

Statements From the Carter Family

At one of Aaron Carter's concerts a fan asked him what he thought of Mandy and his reply was "I hate Mandy"

If you were in Nick's Chat Flat the night of March 28, 2000 you would have heard BJ Carter say that she really missed Nick since he was in Florida and the Carters were in California. When asked why she hadn't seen him since October of 1999...her response was "in one word...Mandy" (you can't even imagine how much our dislike for the Siren increased after we heard this one!!!)

Uncle Steve's Statement

