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We all know this new faq is basically designed to cover nick's behind from the first faq. Willa is going on tour and is trying to make nick do damage control. Here are YOUR responses to the new faq:

for as long as i can remember,ive been a fan of the BSB and ive been pursuing a music career.but i would NEVER stoop MY self so low as to QUIT school so i can run around with some fucking stupid do you think me and every "basher" is?there are more of us than "fans" because we have more intellegence then them.dont EVER think for one fucking moment,that we are going to fall for your "im a good person" thing i dont happen to be is STUPID.okay??i dont know what or who you are trying to impress,but im not know what i see?an abusive,famesucking,selfish,bitch.who thinks a cute smile and a few superstar affairs is going to get you to the top of the charts.let me tell you why you arent there yet...YOU NEED TALENT AINT sorry that someone told you that pathetic bullshit,but it aint true.MADONNNA,MARIAH CAREY,BRITNEY SPEARS,JESSICA SIMPSON,CHRISTINA AUGILERA,YOUR BOYFRIEND,and many other talents didnt just drop out of school,pick up some band member and slap them then threaten so they could get a free record deal with no sweat.ive been busting my ass for years,and i have stayed in school.and your website really impressed me.its cute how you waste your pathetic time by cussing at little 10 year olds.have you no intellegence??!?!?!?!?OOPS!!how could i forget?YOU DIDNT EVEN GRADUATE FROM SCHOOL!!how could you know that its being the mature one by ignoring harsh remarks and not feeding the fire that wins the battles?im apalled at your unbelievable behavior.and whats with trying to act like you are leighanne wallace?first off,you need boobs,a beautiful personality,TALENT,and you need to learn a thing or two about love and RESPECT.guess they dont teach that in grade school.dont write me back saying im JEALOUS,cause id love to correct you on that.i am in no way jealous of some fake haired,abusive,famesucking,manipulative,selfish,controlling,angry,JEALOUS,scar ed,slutty,school drop out...i have class thank you very much.and why did you say on your web site that we true fans were jealous cause you took "our man"??!?!?when was nick my man?this would be news to me!!yeah mandah,(or whatever the fuck your name is THIS WEEK)im jealous cause your dating a guy i never met in my life!!that would make alot of sense to i hear you write your own songs.they dont seem to impress me too much click here for some stuff with an actual MEANING to you say you LOVE nick?wow,you got a real funny way of showing it...i love someone but i dont beat on him,does nick expect us to believe his little FAQ was fake?! his aunt debbie even said it wasnt.and its cute how it took the boy EIGHT MONTHS before he decided to say it wasnt true.i wonder who put him up to that?! and stop it with this little JENIFER LOPEZ act.i dont like her but even SHE has more talent,and strength than you could ever fathom (oh is that too big of a word for willa?).so if you really got anything to say thats worth my time reading,id love to hear it.and by the way,a word from the wise,when you have fans,its a good idea not to blow them off.cause once nick wakes up and finally dumps your ass,they will be all you have left.but if you abuse them too,then you will be nothing but a slutty drop out working at mcdonalds.something for your big gums to chew on
love always,cassaundra

Okay, girls. Usually I would have something humorous to say about all this stuff with Nick's new faq and whatnot. However, after reading a bunch of the faq responses put on your site, there's some things that need to be cleared up. First of all, ya'll have got to understand that Nick does not ever act alone. There is always somebody demanding his attention and support, and usually it's Manduh. The new faq was put on by Nick, presumably forced by Manduh and MCA because of the All That tour. First the serious stuff....I firmly believe that if ya'll (not Brianne and Rain because they're my girls, but the rest of ya'll--you know who I mean) claim to lose respect for Nick so quickly, it makes me wonder if you ever really wanted more than his good-looking male body parts. anyways. I mean, really. Ya'll are so quick to say, "Well, he can't give her up and quit lying to us and yada yada yada so we don't respect him anymore." Hons...if you ever respected him, then it should have been for the music because that's all YOU really know about him anyway. Most of you have probably never met him...and some of you admit that you'll probably never will (although I don't believe in never) you have no idea of where he's coming from. I do know him, and Manduh, and alot of the family. I know that Nick is under alot of pressure from everyone around him to keep his personal life private. Manduh herself is the most pressuring force that Nick has, aside from himself, and she wants to have a singing career. He's trying to be a good boyfriend and make her happy while at the same time, keeping peace among fans. Put yourselves in his shoes just for a day. Most of you couldn't handle it. But then, most of you would be bitching about something anyway. One more thing, don't claim to be a "Nick Fan" if you haven't the slightest idea of WHY you're a fan!!!!

Willa is a bitch, hoe, using mother f*cker. Period.

Hey Girls, Whats up? I am so fed up w/ Willa. I can't stand it when Nick is lying to us fans. I have spoken to Debbie,Nick's Aunt,and she said herself that the original FAQ was true. Third party my ass,why did it take a long time for Debbie to take it off when she is one of the owners of the website. Its sad when Nick has to practicly beg his fans to respect the Bitch. Hmm,I wonder why he wrote the New FAQ in the 1st place,oh yea,cause the bitch will unfortunetly will be lipsinking on a new tour,which I will be attending and anxiously waiting to tell her off. The thing that really interseted me was he never said he loved her,and he did say he loves his family. He even said that they need to work things out privately. That obviously means that they have a lot to work on. I hope Nick realizes what a hootchie mama she is,you know prostitutes at least get paid,,well Willa did get a record deal from screwing him. I strongly belive I will never meet him. I am dating a guy I really like myself,But i hate to see people get used.

i have a response to the new faq.First of all, why did it take so long to put the new one up?I don't like her,but I don't hate her b/c I've never met her.Maybe she told him to put it up or she'd beat the sh*t outta him.Anyways he said that his family just "loves" her.hahahahahhahah.!yeah right!both Aaron & BJ said they dislike her.I've lost soo much respect for him.I don't even like him anymore.He's a freakin' lyer.If he doesnt want things to be said about him he shouldnt tell everyone(especially on the internet)I'm starting to like Josh Hartnett better.(can you say hottie?!?!)sorry but i had to say that.Willaford can kiss my ass .NICK NEEDS TO EITHER STOP LYING OR JUST NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT wILLA.

I read the FAQ and it's a load of crap!! Nick must think that his fans are just dog ass dumb. Like we're really gonna believe the new FAQ. He said all that shit to try and help her career (like she has one). Just because we like Nick doesn't mean we have like his bitch girlfriend. If Willa is such a nice person then why the fuck did he wait this long to tell us??? It's only a matter of time before MTV gets a hold of this story. And plus a few months back in some teen magazine (like Bop or something) they had an article that said he broke up with Amanda Williford because she was becoming possessive and being rude to his fans!! Now come on it's bound to come out soon this can't stay on the Internet forever. One day we're all gonna be watching' TRL and they're gonna mention this. People are really starting to lose a lot of respect for Nick but I guess that doesn't matter to him since he has his whore.

When I read the new FAQ, I was thinking, now how fake is that? I forgot where I heard this, either a chatroom or somewhere, one of his relatives told everyone that it was legit and that that first FAQ was in Nick's words. He had told them to put up the first FAQ out of anger and he had to vent. Now he comes out with another REALLY fake FAQ telling everyone how nice Manduh is? My gosh! Well, too bad, Nick. Trying to cover up your first mistake is not gonna work... everyone knows how bad Manduh is so the damage is already done. I don't know what he sees in her. Does he think that somehow he can change her or what? I just wonder, when is Nick gonna see the light? All right, thanks for lettin' me vent.


Hey wuz up? My name's Ashleigh and this is my response to that FAQ! Personally I think it's a load of bull sh*t! First of all, if all the stuff being said about ManDUH is a lie, then why can't he just laugh it off? I mean it's not like the fans didn't do the same thing to Leighanne when she first started dating Brian. Did you EVER see Leighanne even raise her voice let alone her hand to a fan?? No, I don't think so! This is because Leighanne is mature enough to realize that the people were talking trash about her were just jealous and immature. This is not, I repeat NOT the case with me or any other anti-ManDUH I know. I wish Nick would stop looking to put the blame on the fans, and start blaming Mandy!!! Second of all, Nick says that his family loves Mandy!! HAHAHAHA is all I really need to say about that one! If they love her so much, why did BJ say the only thing (and I emphasize THING) keeping her from her brother is Mandy. Steve Spaulding backs BJ up but in a much nicer choice of words. Are you calling your family liars Nick?? I think you're just trying to cover the bruises with the so-called "truth" I give myself enough credit to know when someone is trying to make me look stupid! And I think I speak for all the fans when I say that we are not stupid, we can tell something's wrong with this picture!!!

Want to know why that got posted? Someone's going on tour at the end of the month, and I'm sure it will be a disaster for her ( She didn't learn the fist time around). She needed Nick to write something to try and stop the bashing (not gonna happen) Why he did, I don't know! Willa needs to cut all ties with Nick if she wants to prove she is doing this on her own. Cause right now as it stands, Nick is doing it all (it's nice that a boyfriend will go to those lengths) and with all the damage that has been done, it will be a long up hill battle. If she really wants a career in this business, she better be willing to put up with the shit for a long time. She can't expect us to take her seriously when her boyfriend is fighting the battle for her. Maybe this all started because of the relationship she is in (or not in?). But the judgment of both Nick and Willa to put her on the BSB tour was wrong from the get go. People didn't like her before, what made them think she had a chance in hell to change that when she was thrown in their faces. So she sings, (or not, I actually kinda of like "I wanna be bad", it does grow on you). These are BSB fans who don't want to see what Nick can do for you. We want to see what you can do for yourself.

Okay,it's about Nick's FAQ thingy.First I would like to say(and please excuse my language) I think it's bull****! If the first faq that was written there was written by someone else,then why in the hell did it take them 6 damn months to tell us it was fake?? Also none of this stuff is fittin together.The Carter family has never really liked Willa and now they are all cool now,ya right!? Just last week they said Leslie's not going on tour with Willa cause she doesn't want to be with her.Then Aaron publicly says he doesn't like Mandy and it's the Carter way.It all doesn't add up together.And for another thing,the aunt and uncle don't even like Willa.I think that the FAQ on Nick's page is bull**** and we shouldn't even pay attention to it anymore. It's there faults that they put the first FAQ there in the first place anyways.If that was supposedly fake as they say it is,then they should have told the fans instead of waiting 6 months to tell us,while Willa was getting booed at,at the concerts!Nothing fits together and I think the site is just crap now.I don't belive anything on that site anymore.First they say the reason why Nick said it was fake on the radio was because Willa was there,but now Nick has the guts to come out finally,after 6 months and tell the fans the truth,hell no! That boy is to private to do that and he doesn't have to worry about any negative attention from fans.Well,I think that's all I have to say now.I needed to get it all out and now I feel better.Sorry if I offened anyone by this comment,but hey I had to vent. Thank-you, Samantha

hi well i read the faq and i personally think its all a lie.i think mandy is really abusive and mean and nick knows if he does'nt say anything about the previous faq about her that her dream of being a singer will be ruined by many fans.i think nick is just trying to save the dream by saying shes nice and all this crap so the fans could start to like her which i'll never do.i hope u could do all u can to conveince all the mandah haters that the faq was bull and to keep hating her.i love your site and will always support u guys. YOU GUYS RULE!!!!!!

