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The longer stories

Here is posted personal stories that are too long for the other page :)

I am almost 24 years old...and while Nick IS my favorite Backstreet Boy....I have never felt any animosity towards Mandy. Even when I read the FAQ on his website....I wasn't sure it was entirely true.'s how the story went. A friend of mine and I were at a hotel....visiting a member of the band that I happen to be friends with. On our way out of the hotel, we happened to stop and talk to a young girl who had just ran into Kevin. While telling us her story of meeting him....we saw Nick.
Mandy was with him. I can't say that I knew who she was right away...only because I didn't realize it was NICK right away. After my friend was invited by Nick himself to follow him to the bus...we were quick to do as he asked. I didn't realize it WHILE we were walking to the bus....but afterwards I noticed that neither of them seemed to be too excitedly happy. She mumbled something to him which prompted a bark back from him. They were walking 40 feet apart from one another...she could've been on another block for all he cared. When he realized we were behind him and had witnessed the little bark...he introduced us to her. Neither of us had the guts to tell him we already knew who she was.

So....anyways....I remembered I had my camera with me. So I pulled it out of my backpack.... least that's what I got from the dirty look I received from her....this was not at all what Mandy agreed with. She was less than happy that I pulled it out....even shying away as if I was going to snap her picture. Now, you have to know me....I was pissed at this reaction from her. She was lucky she didn't receive a tongue lashing right there in front of her oh-so-precious boyfriend.

She seemed to sense she had ROYALLY pissed me off and tried to play it off as if nothing had happened, even going so far as to giggle when my friend made a smartass comment about Nick that she heard.
A lot of people think I got upset with her cuz she's dating Nick and he's my favorite. As much as I'd love for it to be that easy.....I don't really give a flying fuck who Nick long as he's smiling. I got pissed at her because she ASSUMED I was there to snap a picture of her. No offense Mandy dear....but I was there for the Carter kid....not you. They both got on the bus...and Nick went to come back out to sign autographs. I can only guess (and this is an educated one) that she must've said something to piss him off at that point. Because all I heard from him was a "whatever" as he came off the bus.

Why am I writing this? Because if I could I'd like to warn every fan that comes in contact with her to watch themselves. I ran into the "happy" couple several times that weekend and never ONCE were they closer then 10 feet apart. This is the sign of a happy couple? Compare Brian and Leighanne to Nick and Mandy for a second. In ANY picture you see of Brian and Leighanne they are touching...hands, arms, fingers hangin outta belt loops....WHATEVER...always touching. It is very obvious that they are together...and while we may get overloaded on the cuteness factor of can't help but smile when you see them together.

Take Nick and Mandy now....I have YET to see a picture of them any picture that you are lucky enough to get where they happen to be in the view finder TOGETHER....he is NOT smiling. They leave you with that "are they dating?" question in your much so that I am CONSTANTLY subjected to reading posts on any public BSB discussion board about how no one really knows if they are dating or not. I have never seen them touch each other....and you want to smack Nick upside his head and ask him WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? when you see them together.

As I said before....I had not a problem in the world with her until I met her. In fact....I felt sorry for her at one point....hell, if I was dating Nick and someone shouted some nasty shit at me....I'd be beatin ass too. But I am a big believer in the fact that you get what you deserve. I have heard nasty stories about Leighanne....and I can tell you now that NONE of them are true. While I have met her SEVERAL times....and been around both her and Brian together...she has been nothing but 100% real and sweet to me at all times. Granted....I never pulled a camera out in front of her....but like I said....I wasn't there to take pictures of Mandy. I know she gets annoyed with 12 year olds who throw themselves at Nick's feet...but I am 24. I hardly look like a someone who's going to throw themselves at anyone. And besides....until she had reacted to me....I hadn't paid 2 bits of attention to her. She brought my reaction on herself.

Maybe she's gotten a bad rap....hell I dunno...nor do I care. I know what I saw with my own eyes. If Mandy got this "bitch" label that she doesn't deserve...she can only blame herself. While I HAVE heard bad stories about Leighanne...they are few and far between.....I hear a horror story about Mandy just about everyday.

While I won't give her the "credit" of having such a profound effect on Nick that she changes his is quite obvious that he is different when she is around....never once have I heard a story of Nick denying an autograph to a fan...unless she has been there next to him. Is that him? Maybe she takes the fall and looks like the bad guy so fans will go on loving him. Somehow I doubt that....while it may be true.....I don't see him being that devious. And that STILL would not explain the bitchy attitude some fans have encountered while he is not around. If Nick feels animosity towards the fans because there seems to be this whole "boycott Mandah" movement....he can only blame himself. He does not defend her publicly....he does not even seem to acknowledge her when STILL asked if he's dating. If they have the love so many people say they do....why not say SOMETHING? He posts this FAQ on his site...and then 2 weeks later it's gone. No retracts that it was false....NOTHING. Just dropped as if it never happened. Leaving most fans going.....ok what? I have been presented with both sides of this issue.....maybe it wasn't written by him. if it WASN'T....don't tell me he didn't know about it. He surfs the net....wouldn't that piss you off if someone wrote something THAT nasty about your beloved? I would think a "MY FAMILY IS A BUNCH OF LIARS!" statement would've come out...don't you? That's a pretty major thing to accuse someone of if it wasn't true.

Maybe it was written by him and he lied about it. Ok...well if THAT is true...then one simple thing needs to be said. Nick Carter is a bastard and Mandy is the most forgiving person to ever walk this earth. I agree...he's a private person and maybe he just doesn't talk about his personal life. But Brian's the most private person I've ever encountered...and even HE has defended Leighanne in interviews. One sentence is all I'm asking for....SOMETHING from him to tell me she deserves where she is at.

I don't know if you agree with me....I just wanted you to know the truth. I would've posted this on my own website...but I know the backlash from that would be hard to take. I have been around the Boys and their girlfriends a lot. And never once have I gotten a "bad vibe" from any of them but her. That says a lot.

Thanks for your time. (Anonymous fan)