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OK, so her real name is Amanda Willaford, which is all fine and dandy. Her psycho parents gave her that name so she really has no say so about that one, now when it comes to her stage name that's a different story. First it's Mandah, which was horrible to begin with...But now WILLA..we can't help but make fun of her dumbass! I mean c'mon so many people change their names in the entertainment industry, Shania's real name is Eileen, and she couldn't think of anything better than here are some names we thought you should call her if you ever meet her one day (If and when you do, make sure to get back to us with full details on your experience with the SIREN!)

2. Willa-you-leave-Nick-the-hell-alone
3. Willa-you-get-a-life
4. Willa (turd) Ford
Thanks to Kristy for these next few!
5. Willa-you-release-your-hold-on-his-d*ck
6. Willa-you-learn-how-to-sing
7. Willa-you-not-tattoo-your-fav-song-on-your-arm (It's almost as disgusting looking as you!)
8. When-Willa-you-realize-YOU-SUCK
9. i'm-a-Man-DUH!
10. Willa Fart...uh, we meant Ford! LMAO (thanks Melissa)
11. Found On Road Dead! (We sure would love to run her ass over. thanks Jen)

12. Willa-what-the-f*ck-ever


(thanks to ashley)
14. Willa-you-leave-nick-the-hell-alone
15. Willa-you-ever-shut-up
16. Willa-you-leave-sometime-soon
17. When-willa-you-leave-the-carters-alone
18. When-willa-you-realize-i'm-not-a-fan
Thanks to holly for these next few!
19. Willa B. Ter
20. Man-Willa-Stop
21. Abu Sive ( can you imagine "Hey Abu !" LOL )
22. Elusive-abusive-whale-known-as-Mandy.
Thanks to Heather and Tania for these next few
23. Willa you stop singing?
24. Willa you put a paper bag over your head?
25. Willa you please shave your pitts?
26. Willa you please find a new boyfriend?
27. Willa you please call 1-800-Jenny?
28. When willa you take your make up off? -*~Leisa~*
29. when-willa-you-be-able-to-afford-your-own-tv thanks kim and laura
Thanks again to Heather and Tania for these next few
30. When Willa you get over the FACT that you suck!
31. willa you please hire a new hair stylist
32. when willa you get off your ass and find a different job?
33. when willa you go home (YOURS-NOT NICKS)
34. willa you please buy your own house
35. willa you stop mooching off nick
36. when willa you have a good hair day
37. when willa you convince somebody you're talented?
38. Willa you realize nicky does NOT like you (thanks to dizzyfrack)
39. WILLA u ever a FORD to buy your own stuff and not use nick?
40.Yo Bitch the ugly one, no not you, the ugly one , Willa yeah Willa! Skankass hoe.
41.willa- better leave nick's sexy ass alone before we beat her bitchy little ass- ford
42.When Willa you learn how to dress (thanks Jessi)
43. Killa-Willa
44. Nick Nazi (thanks kelly)
45. willa she ever get her own life
46. WILLA she ever affFORD her own life
47. The Wicked Witch Of Tampa Bay (thanks Charlsie)
48. Willa-get-a-life? (thanks to NiCkTeNdO)
49. ManDUH Sluttaford (thanks robin)
50. Slutta Ford
52. Willa you stop diggin up dead animals to wear on your chest!
53. Willa Wonka and the whorehouse factory
54. Willa want a carrot to tame that horse breath?
55. When Willa you stop performing sexual favors in order to get gigs and record deals??
56. When Willa the silicone implants in your lips stop swelling?
57.Willa someone please slap her upside the head and knock some morals into her?
58. Wicked bitch of the East

(Give us your ideas, if we like them we'll use them!)


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