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Reviews of concerts with MANDUH/Willa

(the newest reviews are at the top)


9/5:I went to see Willa perform @ Roosevelt Field Mall on 8/19/00. I went w/ my best friend Melanie. We got stuck in traffic so we mised Willa's 1st song. When we got there she was singing "Innocent Girl". She had on a blue shirt and tanish pants. She also had on really ugly sunglasses that looked like Britney Spears' (i think she was trying to be her!). She sounded okay, not good not bad, but her background music was so loud it practiclly drowned her out (that was probably the idea). She also had 2 scary looking dancers onstage w/ her! After she was done w/ that song the music stopped and she didn't move until "I wanna be bad" came on. When the music started she threw her glasses on the floor w/ this expression on her face like 'i'm so sexy!' lol, she looked so stupid! So she sang that song, and her and her dancers did these easy dance moves that I could even do if u gave me a couple of hours (i wouldnt though, cuz they were pretty nasty dance moves!). When she was done she said "Thank you" or something and blew kisses (ewww). Then she left and was going to come back @ 3:00 to sign autographs. We waited on line and only like 30 ppl showed up! Shows how popular she is right? lol. She took forever, but finally got there. Melanie was in line before me and went up to meet her first. You had to go on this little platform thing where she was sitting at a table. Melanie went up and she signed her autograph. Then she took a pic w/ her (Melanie didnt really smile, cuz to smile, when next to Willa? Thats just wrong!). Then she gave her a letter she had written. I went up and said "Hi." She said "Hi, what's your name?" in this really fake cheerful voice. I "Jessi, J-e-s-s-i" and spelled it for her. She didn't hear me so I repeated my name, and how to spell it. She had a stack of black and white pix of her on the table. It was a REALLY ugly pic of her, one of the pix that was on her official site and flashed (shes making a stupid expression and her hair is all over the place). She personalized my autograph and took a pic w/ me (i wasnt really smiling, of course). Then I said "Can you please read this later?" and handed her the letter I had written her. She said "Sure!" in the same fake tone. Then, as I was walking off the platform she says, "I'm getting all these notes!" I almost laughed right there. She had about 5 letters (so many right?). So that's my Willa experience. Now I know how fake she acts when you meet her. Also, when she signs her autograph, she puts a dot over the "w" insted of the "i". What is she doing?? Well, keep up the great work on ur site!Jessi

I saw Willa in Miami,and she just sucked. I mean she should get on her knees and thank Nick for giving her a record deal. The Dj introduced her and tried to get the crowd to cheer for her,it really didn't work. He even said,"If you don't get any louder she will not come out,so make some noise!" . It still didn't work,but she came out,unfortunately. She sang "Somebody take the pain away",which brought pain to me ears. She even said "Come on ya'll make some noise",her friends and family atleast did. Oh ,yea Christina the stalker was there. She then did"Innocent girl",and then it took a while for the Dj to play "I wanna be bad". She was off key on all the songs. These songs are really very easy to sing,buut it was hard for her cause she has no range,trust me I know I am a musician. I met her backstage,and I first got her autograph. She asked everyone how to spell their name. ( what a dumbass)I asked her if she is still w/ nick. She said that ,that was personal,and tot! ally separate from what she does,but yea. I asked are you and nick's family doing ok? She said,yea this is nick's little sister. I said whats your name,she said angel. I was like I really love the BSB,I have been a fan forever,she thanked me and gave me a hug. We also took a pic. I asked mandy for a pic,she said sure,I told her I liked her tatoo. She said thanks ,w/ a big fake smile. I said good luck w/ your music career,she thanked me(hey two people can play at the fake game). I noticed her nice expensive gold ring,and that she was very freindly w/ another guy,who knows.Well thats all for now, BSB Fan

4 words about her singing: Britney is now Mariah!

Hey, I was on your site and it is so funny. I recently saw "WILLA" in Indianapolis on March 10th. She (like someone said) did come our yelling into her microphone. She really didn't sing to well e ither. It isn't just cause I don't like her but she really can't. She doesn't even sing her own songs. She sang like 2 remakes.

Ok, first off, I love the site. I really didn't know that much about Mandah/Willa until the other night... However I did see her in concert, at the San Antonio show on March 1. When she came out she was screeching into her mic so much we couldn't understand her, it sounded like she introduced herself as "Willow". We were sitting there going "Who the f*ck is this chic, Willow, and how the hell did she get a spot on the BSB tour sounding like this!?" Her and her dancers looked like hookers and she was having a hard time doing the dance moves in her backless top with no type of bra or support - figures.


I attended the Toronto Bsb concert on Wednesday, March 15th, and I was actually excited about posting a review about ManDUH/Willa's performance! I knew she would be no good anyway, but I just wanted to see her pretty (UGLY) face as she got booed off the stage. Anyway, I knew that she hadn't performed at the Hamilton concert the night before, but just figured something had happened so she couldn't perform. Then, after 15 minutes went by after the Jungle brothers had performed, there was no "Willa". We knew something was up. Now, I guess the whole story about her dancer, who isn't a US citizen couldn't have the papers to get back into the US, is somewhat believable, but, NO, I don't think so! If this was the case, the tour manager or whoever is in charge of that sorta thing would have gotten that worked out before their trip to Canada. So, I don't buy it! See, one things Canadians are known for (well, at least this Canadian and her friends), is their hatred towards manipulative, stuck up, boyfriend beating BITCHES who think they can get rich and famous off of their famous (and extremely WAY too good for low lifes like ManDUH) boyfriend. So, they way we see it, she was a WUSS who couldn't handle all the hatred towards her! But I could see that, I mean, if I were her, I wouldn't have performed! but thank God I'm NOT her, otherwise, whoa, I might do something bad! Anyway, the point of this whole review is, Willa is a chicken, and I am actually glad she didn't perform! From the sounds of it, her performance is NOT suitable for half the people that went to the show last night! Let's just hope that Nick gets the help he needs to get away from that slut. Steph

Willa on the other hand..... Grrrrrr!!!! She was bad!!! Did you see what her dancers shirts said??? 2 said EVIL and the other 2 said STAR!! EVIL STAR???? Shes got that right but she ain't no star!! And her dancing was kinda bad, they looked like strippers! And her songs?? What was with the one about "I wanna be BAD baby??" And the first song she sang was saying "I think its time to set you free" or something. (You'd think???!!!) I didn't like her at all. Niehter did my friends or the people around me. She lipsynched!! What talent! And at one point she yelled out C'mon put your hands up!! No one did, and then she was was screaming at us to do it and then she was running around the stage like she was drunk!! And the hair was kinda fro like if ya ask me! She looked like a witch with the dark hair, black outfit and makeup! She was no good! But thats just my opinion!
Leamington, Ontario, Canada

Date: 3/7/00Place: St. Louis, MO. After having arrived at the most anticipated BSB concert of the millenium...I had to sit through the opening acts. So here are my comments on those opening acts...just so all fans can be warned/educated on what they might not be expecting when they walk through the stadiumdoors... My first comment is that the "Jungle Brothers" deserve to be on the same stage with the BSB...due to the fact that they are actually talented! Old School rap is what they do and it is good...the crowd was way into it! These 2 guys had the whole place screaming their lyrics, "V-I-P"! And they have some awesome dance moves...very original! I gave a thumbs up to them! Now onto the next act...which by the way took almost 45 mins or more for her to take the stage after the first act. Who I am talking about is a girl they call "Willa"! She came out in a flashy pink no backed tied on shirt and some tight black pants. She had some dancers with her and started with some moves that totally said, "Britney Spears wanna be is in the house!" She went into her song practically screaming to thebeat... A 13 y/o girl just to my right said, "What the hell? Who is this?" and rolled her eyes to me. Of course I had been prewarned...but if u know me I am not the one to prejudge anyone!!! So I knew who she was up on that stage hollering for "Girl Power!" and "Come on Girls...ya with me!" But I never told a soul around me...I wanted to see just what the fans had to say! And thus I got alot of uncomfortableness out of the crowd. Seemed like no one in the 68k crowd knew what to think of this girl...So as I saw it, no one liked her and barely cheered her on. Most comments were that of, "Get off the stage!" and "This chick SUCKS!" Needless to say...I clapped for her out of pure pity! While at least 75% of the people who were sitting around me called for a potty break...and left, not wanting to see anymore! Truthfully I left too after her second song...I am hoping that the BSB realize that this isn't the appropriate performance for an opening act for the best selling tour ever! There were young girls in the audience and the impression this "Willa" gave was that of a Slutty appeal... So this is my plead/testimony/review! I think that the "Free Willa" project should continue on full force and all BSB fans BE WARNED!!!
Thank You, Allishy

crystal- fontucky ,ca

I was told by a friend of mine that saw Nick and Mandy at the BSB's hotel in St. Louis on March 7, that Mandy and Mandy's mother were giving all the girl fans dirty looks. Nick never cracked a smile that day when he was signing autographs. I also know that is not the way Nick really is. When I went to the BSB concert in Minneapolis back in October, I was told that Nick was nothing but sweet and he was hugging and even giving kisses on people's cheeks. That is evidence right there that something is definitly wrong with this Mandy chick. Lastly, I saw Willa live in St. Louis and she sucked. She was lip synching the whole and trying really hard to hype the crowd and she coudldn't. Nobody was clapping or screaming for her.


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