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11/16: no new updates, just checking in to say hey, yes willa's still a bitch and that i AM checking my email still.

9/20: whew- long time no update. well life's been busy so i thought i'd post ya'll a little note. there's a new sign, a new cd review, the picture page 16 is fixed, and go read rain speaks- i'm looking for a new partner...

7/30: yea yea yea i know- i haven't updated lately...but i'm finishing the big update i promised.... as of right now i have updated sounds, reviews, anti sites, articles, major news, parody's, a new picture at the top of the main page and rain speaks... i'll be updating the picture sections as soon as i can tag the 30 pictures i have. if you have anything to add, email me and let me know!

6/23: HEY GUYS! FREEWILLA IS BACK IN ACTION! starting today is when i'm gonna do the huge update! sooo far (this is only the beginning) i've updated the find your own identity, rain speaks, anti sites and sounds pages. in the upcoming update- look for willa's personal message to the haters (audio) and what she thinks about us on her messageboard!. Also- a BUNCH new articles and STAY TUNED!!!!!!!!!

5/25: the only page updated today was the RAIN SPEAKS out page. go check it out and start sending in stuff for the major update coming in june!!!!!!!!

5/10: the new article from people magazine was added so go check it out (thanks kim), and go check out the news section!

5/7: small update today- 4 new pictures from elle magazine on page 16 and a new article

4.25: hey guys- small update today :) i put up 3 new articles, theres some major news too :)

4/11: so fatty whore was on mtv today....there's a bunch of video captions on page 15 of the pictures, her nasty video is available online so go check out rain speaks (which is also updated) for the address. and the major news section was updated

4/8: there's 8 new pictures on page 14- check em out she looks like a WHORE!

3/30: wow- sorry it's been so long since there was a major update but i've been on a much needed spring break! sooooo to make up for it i had a big update today :) go check out the new picture page 13, there's a new sound clip *blah*, three new anti sites and a new article :)

3/8: another decent update today :) There's a new article a new picture page go check out the major news!! AND rain speaks!

3/1: WOO HOO! an BIG update finally! lol- sorry i haven't had a lot of time but here's what i updated today:
THERE'S A NEW PAGE! go check out the articles page for crappy articles on willa with my comments!. I also updated the "names to call her" page, there's 3 new pictures on page 11, the campaign page has been updated with a phone number to call pantine and tell them how much she sucks, and i fixed the main page finally- it now says EX-girlfriend in the introduction :)

2/18: WE'RE A .COM and .NET SITE NOW!!!! WOO HOO!! so instead of typing in the whole addy- just go to!!!!!

2/16: there's a new picture page! all of her nasty pics of her *laugh* SHOW at the hardrock.... (strip show) page 11, AND CHECK OUT RAIN SPEAKS OUT!!!

2/11: theres a new pic on page 10 :)

2/4: i put up two new pictures on picture page 10 :)

1/30: the pictures are updated! check out pictures page 9 and and page 10

1/24: GO READ THE MAJOR NEWS SECTION! :) and the rain speaks page has been added to- but it's basically the same as the major news

1/23: Today i updated the letter you can send to atlantic on the campaign page. i updated the major news and regular news so go check em out!!!

1/16: A lot of new things today! woo hoo :) First- check out the main page! WE HAVE A NEW ANTI CAMPAIGN LAUNCHING!!!
There's also three new SKANKY pictures where it looks like willa's wearing roadkill... there's a new encounter you all need to read! and some new antisites :) LEMME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE NEW CAMPAIGN!!

1/11: there's three new pictures on the first picture page

1/5: i added about 10 new anti links!!! if anyone decides to help spread the anti campaign- LET ME KNOW!!!


12/28: HELL HAS FROZEN OVER! willa got a release date for her shitty songs....(god help us all) so go read the MAJOR NEWS PAGE. I also updated the two new pics from some teen people party willa went to and she's doing a new Pantine Pro V campaign so there's a pic from that too... (HELP US ALL!)
there's also a new anti link! that site's really good so check it out!!

12/17: there's a new banner up! check out the bottom of the page or the BANNER LINKS PAGE

12/15: hey guys, i'm in the middle of finals right now but i'm takin a study break! lol- so today i updated the guestbook/email responce page, added an encounter and added 4 new anti sites!!! keep making those, cause they rock!!!-Rain

12/7: WHOOOO- i did a complete revamp to the BACKSTREET WIVES/GIRLS page! check it out!. i also updated the names to call her, news, major news and the songs page is fixed :)

11/30: WILLA HAS A NEW SITE UP!! (YUCK) so go read the major news section!
it's days like these i don't wanna have hearing- sheesh- well- willa's got a new site up- and two new songs (aka why i wanna lose hearing) so go check those out..on VOICE OF THE SIREN

11/21: HAPPY BACKSTREET DAY! lol- ok- so today i updated a few things- GO READ THE RAIN SPEAKS PAGE! i've changed some things... also i updated the encounters, news, parodys pages :)

11/16: i had a decent update today :) i updated the rain speaks, news, major news, email responces and names to call her pages

11/13: Not much updated today, but go read the *NEW* RAIN SPEAKS OUT PAGE


11/5: we updated the "names to call her, and anti links page" today

10/30: WOW- guess what we updated today!? lol- the "names to call her" page- looong time no update to that page:) we also updated the resonce page and put up some new pics, AND go read the major news section! :P

10/24: Hey guys- not much of an update- go read the news section (kinda important), and there's a new link on the NON-SCHMANDY pages
AND we're still wanting your guys opinions on the layout updates! do ya'll like the icons that tell ya which page is updated? or prefer the old one?? let us know!

10/18: hey guys- today there's a new encounter from last week's born into chaos concert (THERE WAS NO SCHMANDY!) YAY!- there's new pic from a concert of the psycho's- where no one's watching! go check it out. AND there's a new link up in the anti sites page

10/16: Ya'll have to go read the response page! some dumb@** wrote us over the weekend and you guys need to let her know what you think!

10/12: Ok- sorry about so few updated lately- there's not much goin on in schmandy land (and for other reasons we'll get to later this month). But today we had a GOOD UPDATE!
First- a new picture page has been added!
AND As everyone requested- the "updated" and "new" icons are back on the main page- soooo instead of completly changing layouts like we were gonna- we're compromising and mixing both- LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!!! Check out the news section for some new tidbits and the updated page is now located DIRECTLY BELOW all the other links-so you can read directly what we updated.


9/28: WOAH- we had a decent update ANYWAY- today there's a new parody, a new encounter and a new guestbook responce. PLEASE TAKE THE POLL THATS ON THE MAIN PAGE!!! By the beginning of next week- YOU GUYS will decide what layout will be on the page! (new or old) THANKS!

9/26: hey guys, small update today- go read the major news section, and there's a new anti-site

9/18: Hey guys- you gotta read the encounters page!!! it's hilarious! BUT READ OUR COMMENTS ON THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE BEFORE YOU GET TOO EXCITED..

9/15: Hey guys- we had a good update today! (for us at least) lol- ok today we updated the news section, fixed or deleted some of the anti links AND ADDED NEW ONES, there's two new email responces and look for some new signs in the next week!

9/11: lol- i'm such a goofball that i forgot to include the new picture they're up now :)

9/10: check out the major news section for a clarification of the newest nick and mandy rumor

9/5: we're getting back to a regular schedule of updates here kids :) sooooo we had a BIG update for today: we updated the reviews, added an anti link and we updated the address you can write her NEW record company! (atlantic), there is some clairfication for the major news section and there are TWO NEW PICTURE PAGES!!!

8/31: yea yea yea-after the two updates in a row...takes forever we know (but we were both busy moving back to college) anyway- updates for today are small but the major news section and get ready for a big joke... there's a new picture AND the section for the "real deal" was taken down due to NO REAL DEAL SITE ANYMORE :)
Sorry if you've emailed us in the last few weeks and you haven't recieved a responce- the computer messed up and some stuff got deleted :( but email us again and we'll write ya back

8/18: WOO HOO! two updates in two days!!! lol...ok guys- if you read the main page- you'll see we have a new message board!!! post what ever you want to! talk to other anti willa people and just have fun!
Today the only thing that was added was 4 new pictures on the pics page and some Willa news

8/17: hey guys! we had a MAJOR update for ya'll who have been waiting for it! check out all these pages that were updated: why you are better, anti sites, signs page, jokes page and the email responces page.

8/9: hey guys- brianne's comp died and rain was outta town (AGAIN)- but we made a small update :)
you guys gotta check out the picture section for the funniest picture of schmandy!!!! it's awesome! follow the *new* link :)
AND- go read the email responce page- (we were nice we swear!!)

8/2: sorry we've been out of commission for so long guys! we both took trips over the week! but we have a decent size update for ya :) start by checking out the news and major news sections, there's a new parody and two new anti links :)

And go read the stolen message on the main page!!! ITS IMPORTANT!

7/20: hey guys- major updates today! first, ya'll have to check out the jokes page! we got a BUNCH of new ones that will have you rollin! after that- check out the MAJOR NEWS, antisites, news, and guestbook responces

7/14: Check out the jokes, email response, never in a million years, you should call her, and willa encounter pages. also guestbook entry #207 has a comment from us in it and there is a new anti site link! We have some willa news for you...well kinda..more like our opinion on something!

7/9: Hey kids...for some reason we've had some spare time lately (finally) and added some pictures! go check out the "never in a million years could she be leigh or amanda" -you'll see some striking similarities to the other gf's.... And go check out the "siren pic" page- there's two new Schmanduh pictures up. If you haven't checked out "the voice of the siren" page- all the links work, but beware you might need a hearing check after listening to her :P we have some bsb pics up from "party in the park" so check those on the third bsb pic page