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Everything You Want to Know About Us Cool Chics


Well here it goes...I'm 19 years old and a sophomore in college...!! Hopefully one day I'll get out of this hell whole city I live in and move on to a more exciting place, perhaps home of the Boys in good ol' Orlando, FL! Obviously you know that I hate Willa and if you haven't realized that yet then I think you need your head checked. :o) I've been a fan of the Boys for almost a year now and that sweetie Brian Thomas Littrell is my fav, and I think his fiancee AND ex-girlfriend are cool as hell. Now to the typical bio stuff:

FAVORITE SONG: I have a ton but as of today it's "I Wanna Be With You" by none other than the BSB

QUOTE: The motto I live by "No man is worth your tears, and the one that is won't make you cry"~Brian Littrell

FUN WORDS: I love the word gregarious (something that WILLA is not)


THINGS I LOVE TO DO:what female doesn't love to go shopping, increasing my backstreet addiction on a daily basis, spending time with my best bud (you know who you are girl!!!), and of course BASHING WILLA!

CRAZIEST THING I HAVE DONE: hmmm...well there's a story for this one, but let's say i drove six hours with a friend to meet up with some frat boys that we had only met once and stayed the weekend with them!

MY BUD RAIN: well now, this girl is cool as hell, we both definitely share an obsession for the BSB...The funny thing is I first met her because I disagreed on a point of view she had on someone and although we shared different views we still managed to become quite good friends...she's a real sweetheart so if she gets any hatemail you'll have me to deal with!!


RAIN: ok here goes...i'm 18, almost 19 :) i'm a frosh/soph in college with an undecided major. I hope to one day EARN (key word here) a career- by my own intelligence, (aka not relying on my boyfriend to get it for me) and become successful at what ever i chose to do. I love photography, sports and outdoor activities, and of course MY BSB! i've been a fan of bsb for almost two years now.

REASONS FOR THE PAGE: My fav BSB is Nick and the reason for doing this page is because i don't like seeing my boys hurt. You wanna date em, sleep with em, be friends with em be my guest..but the minute i find out your not nice to em is where i get pissed. I don't mind if they have girlfriends! honest! but you gotta treat em right and not be a bitch!(MANDUH) I want nick to be happy and i don't think he is...i'm almost POSITIVE he's not..cause i have an EXCELLENT SOURCE....

FAV SONG: um....probably "show me the meaning"... it means a lot to the boys and i respect them immensely for having the courage to shoot that video.

QUOTE: lol- oh geesh i have soooo many quotes i love! sooo: "Rejection is temporary, regret is permanent" and "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will piss off enough people to make it worth the effort."

This one for nick: "Fate is never kind; its sole purpose is to teach"

CRAZIEST THING I'VE DONE: wow- too many to name....

MY BUD BRIANNE: wow- this chicka is "phat to death"! like she said we met kinda funny, but it all turned out alright! she's so damn funny she makes my stomach hurt and if ya'll mess with her, look out cause i won't be a happy camper! :) SMILE!

