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Reasons why YOU are better than MANDUH

Thanks to Crystal for this one: 1. At least you graduated or are going to graduate from high school!

2. Have you ever followed your man into the bathroom because you are a jealous bitch. If you answer NO then that's reason number two you are better than the siren!

3. Because if you want a TV you just go down the street and buy one instead of swiping it from your boyfriend. (thanks Kristy)

4. Because you know taking your anger out physically is IMMATURE.

5. Because being nice comes natural to you. (thanks Kristy)

6. Because you aren't a jealous bitch.

7. Because you don't use your boyfriend for popularity. (thanks Kristy)

8. Because you don't give the word "bitch" a whole new meaning! (thanks Kelley)

9. Because when YOU sing you don't sound like a howling dog (thanks Kelley)

10. Because you don't have an ugly ass tattoo around your arm. (thanks Kristy)

11. Because we aren't the reason why VH1 started the save the music foundation (thanks Divechild)

12. Our favorite snack is not Milkbone

13. WE don't have penis envy with Nick- thanks elena for thest last two!

14. You have more fan sites than anti (thanks to kate)



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