Thank You's
I'd like to give credit to those who deserve it. So, Thank you Kiley, for pointing out my typos! Love ya babe! Thank you Jessi for making me love BNL as much as I do. Thank you Mrs. Grabski and Erik, for driving the gang to the concerts! Thanks to Manda for making me want to finish early, but not tell you until this weekend. I love to anger you. Thank you Pastaroni, for tasting so good, and thank you Mr. Turkey for making me laugh when I think of you. Thank you webtv for also being right there when I needed to add on a couple less hours of sleep. Thanks to Mom for giving me so much extra time by not making me wash the dishes by hand. Thank you god, for making me be able to listen to BNL, and thanks to Kraft Diner, because, well it rocks. Thank you Canadians, for being so friendly, and special thanks to those canadian sercuity gaurds, gosh they're nice. Thank you Nort, Mighty Mel, and Norman the Potato Farmer, well just for being there. and Lastly, thank you sooo much Barenaked Ladies, for being the best band, and so geeky and cute at the same time. 8P
Naked Wishes, Liz
Copyright © 2000, No Nudes Here, Only Barenaked Ladies, All Rights Reserved.
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