Melody's Bio!

Melody's Bio

Hope you have a nice day!

Name: Melody Lynn

Birthday: 5-2-81
Email address:
Grad year: 1999
School/Job: Freshmen at Ferrum College in Ferrum, Virginia (about an hour south of Roanoke)
Major: Elementary Ed
Relationship status: 4 months with Johnny
What I miss most about Cape: seeing my friends every day
What I DON'T miss about Cape: the Cliques
The hardest thing I've had to learn: "Don't let other people bother me!"
My favorite movies are: Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, Fried Green Tomatoes, Steel Magnolias & Gone With the Wind
Favorite Songs: Pretty Woman, My Best Friend & Macy Gray's songs Sexomatic, and the one about walking away and stumbling ( I"m not really good with names ! :) )
Favorite book: The Awakening ( Great read if you are in a stressful relationship with a guy!)