Krissy and Cheryl's

List of Random Links!

Basically, you've gotta see this!

CustomatixDesign your own SHOES!

Stick DeathThis is just weird...

The BathroomYou have to see this to believe it....

The Blair Sandwitch Project!This site is odd...and a bit scary--just like the movie it parodies...

Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum! The title says it all!

Jesus Bumper Sticker Slogans I was amused...but then again...

The Dork Pages A list of dorky sites and collections!

The Ibrator! This site is a must see...but not for the faint of heart or virgin eyes....

The Twinkie Project Don't ask me! Piss found this one...problem is, I think it's real!

WASAW: Writers/Artists Snacking At Work This Site is funny and informative at the same time!!! (I sense a spin-off happening, with Krissy and I rating OUR favorite snacks!!!)

For information on SPORKS! (someday this link will work! and we want you to be there!)

Totally random sites with funny names! (it's not what you think!)

Totally weirdo sites with no point at all!

Krissy's favorite random site! (!Hello! !Amigos!)

Look what I found!

Bananas on the Web