- Age: 18
- Likes: Music (Orgy, Marilyn Manson, Portishead, Dandy Warhols, Sex Pistols, Deftones, many more), My Girlfriend, Weed, The Net, Concerts, Alcohol, Oakland Raiders, Travelling
- Dislikes: Morons, Replublicans, Fundamental Christians, TV, Followers, Hypocrites, Whiny Kids, Rosie O'Donnell, Kid Rock, Eminem, Will Smith, Fred Durst, Kiss, 80's Hair Bands, Arrogance, Attitudes, Vegetables
- Hobbies: Play guitar, make webpages, party!
- Why you like Orgy so much? Because there is not a thing I don't like about them, well maybe I'm not totally into the makeup and all..
- Shoutweb Username: Mr.RacecarDriver (you know I'm watching you too, in the trauma room brain dead still you went faster, now your number means nothing....)
- Email Address:
- ICQ #: 15070332