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My Thoughts...

This is the section where I (Tiff) get to put all the things that run through my mind during any *NSYNC Appearance that I watch... which is, of course, all of them, and grade the appearance. I usually watch and tape EVERYTHING that any or all of them are on. This is a humor, I repeat, HUMOR section.. please, no hate mail. Just because I enjoy poking fun at them occasionally doesn't mean I don't love them just as much as any of you out there and I KNOW that when you see them on TV, even though (most of the time) they look HOT, some things that they do leave you wondering.... "What were they THINKING?". LoL.. come on... you know you've wondered... "Why are Joey's pants so tight??" or "What happened to Justin's hair??" a few HUNDRED times!!! So get to readin' and gigglin'!! :)

My grading system:
They should've stayed at home.

They could've done much better, but at least they were there.

It was okay... worthy of taping.

Pretty good!! A few flaws here and there, but nothing to get your undies in a bunch about!

Excellent appearance! They all looked great, sounded great, didn't trip over anything... etc.


Teen People's Hottest 25 under 25
