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***Just as a note, band members change frequently. These guys are as
bad as Van Halen with their lead singers.***

The base band members in the beginning were:
Adam Kohut-Drums

First was Jason Cates. The guys are rumored to have a recording on a cassette tape of them with Jason as their lead singer, but no one is allowed to listen to it for some unknown reason...Trust me, I've tried.

Then they kind of didn't really have one person as an actual "lead singer," Matt was their main vocalist. On their rendition of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana, Spencer...well, Spencer tried. Kind of. He sounded strangely similar a cat being horribly dismembered and skinned while still alive, but hey. Ya gotta give him credit for at least trying...

Then came Melody Karst. She was an awesome singer, and with her, the guys made it into BOBfest. More about BOBfest later.

After Melody, they picked up Dana Ryberg. With their winnings from BOBfest, they cut a self-titled CD using Dana as their lead singer. If you want to buy a CD, email Spencer at E-Mail Spencer for a CD

Around the same time Dana quit/got kicked out/whatever, they learned that Matt was moving to Atlanta. Their last performance with Matt and Dana was at the Bonner County Fairgrounds during the end of August. When school started again, they had tryouts for a new guitar player/singer, and Amy Repp joined the band.

When Amy left, Adam Kohut, the drummer, decided to switch gears to the new band Amy was creating, but also still be in HighWire. Realizing this wouldn't work, Adam left the band. Ironically enough, their new drummer's name is Adam, also.