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One of my absolute favorite bands of all time is Live.
I don't think there's a song on "Throwing Copper" that I don't like.

and as the final sunset rolls behind the earth
and the clock is finally dead
i'll look at you, you'll look at me
and we'll cry alotLIVE

Another one of my favorite bands (I like them better
than LIVE) is nine inch nails. Trent Reznor puts so much
feeling into his music, you cant help but like it.

I still recall the taste of your tears
Echoing your voice just like the ringing in my ears
Faded dreams of you still wash ashore
Scraping through my head until I dont want to sleep,  anymore

I'm also rather interested in Marilyn Manson. Needless to
say, my mother doesnt approve. I think he has a
message for society that is worth looking into, and
he's just overall a very intriguing person.
Not to mention his just looking spiffy ^_^

Each time I make my mother cry 
An angel dies and falls from heaven

Godsmack is most definitely cool. I finally have both CDs, thanks to Tanner
(and Roy's CD burner ^_^), and I must say, I'm very impressed
with what they've done with their second CD.

I'm not the one who's so far away 
 When I feel the snake bite enter my veins
 Never did I wanna be here again 
 And I don't remember why I came...

Incubus is a spiffy, softer-hard-rock-band. You should read the story behind their single
"Pardon Me." It's about spontaneous combustion. Very interesting. Stellar,
Drive, and I Miss You are three more of my favorites by them.

Pardon me while I burst 
Into flames...

I really wish MuDvAyNe would have a group promo picture taken of themself,
because they are the spiffiest looking band I have ever seen.
They beat Marilyn Manson's look by a million.

I would love to beat the face
Of any motherfucker that's thinkin' they can change me
White knuckles grip pushing through for the gold
If you're wantin' a piece of me I broke the motherfuckin' mold

Okay, Ozzy is f*#kin' awesome. He's roughly 50-something
(or something...I dont know. Not young.), and yet he can
still kick some ass out in the music world.

Ozzy Ozbourne

Rammstein is the only band (that I know of) that I like who doesn't speak
English, yet is just as cool if not cooler than some
of the ones who do. Did that make sense?
Du...Du Hast...Du Hast Mich...

Papa Roach is great. Their song "Binge" has a really interesting
message, as do most of their songs.
Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort
Suffocation, no breathing
Don't give a fuck if I cut my arm, bleeding...

Fuel is also really cool. Shimmer is a nifty song thats sort of pretty,
in a sense. You should check them out. Seriously.
'Cause I have found
All that shimmers in this world is sure to fade
Away again
She dreams a champagne dream
Strawberry surprise, pink linen and white paper
Lavender and cream
Fields of butterflies, reality escapes her
She says that love is for fools that fall behind...

Our Lady Peace has a really distinctive sound. The lead singer can
be sort of whiny at times, but I like them.
You need to know your friends
You need to know that
I'll be waving my hand watching you drown
watching you scream 
quiet or loud

Kittie is just splendid. I'm so glad they were at Ozz-Fest, even though I didnt
get to go. They're a chick metal band, and they're really good.
They're extremely heavy (emphasis on ***extremely***), and may be offensive
to some people, but they're definitely worth a listen.
So, I'm Nothing
Well, you took something from me 
And now you've disappeared
You're right
Where I want you
You said you wanted it, Alright

It's not alright

You gotta admit it. Nirvana is one of the absolute best
bands of all time. Kurt What can I say?
I'm living off of grass
And the drippin's from the ceiling
Its okay to eat fish
'Cause they don't have any feelin's

Okay, I like the band, not something else. I swear
to it. Don't think I'm some sort of pervert.
how does it feel to treat me like you do
when you've laid your hands upon me
and told me who you are
i thought i was mistaken
i thought i heard your words
tell me, how do i feel
tell me now, how do i feel

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