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Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, there lived a pretty little blue hamster, and she was terribly afraid of the dark. Her plight went unnoticed by her parents for quite some time, and she became somewhat inured to the horribleness of the situation. In order to compensate for her parent’s lack of compassion for her trauma, the little hamster, whose name was Penelope, went out and bought a sparkly nightlight to comfort her in the darkness of night. It wasn’t so much the dark that frightened her; it was more the fear of great ponderous creatures frolicking about in her bedroom. Her only wish was to annihilate them at any cost, even though that would mean running the risk of having the paramount leader of all the scary bedtime monsters come after her and eat her. She certainly didn’t want that.

A few weeks later, the hamster family decided they were going to move, so Penelope had to pack all of her belongings in little boxes to take along with them to their new house. She took special care of her nightlight because it was her comfort during the night, and besides- it just looked spiffy. Along the way, the spaceship they were on began having engine trouble, and the some of the passengers’ belongings were being jettisoned to conserve fuel. The rule was to only throw out the lightest box you had, and to Penelope’s dismay, her nightlight was in the lightest box! The immutable fact remained—she would have to give up one of the few things that truly gave her comfort in that world. What was she going to do?