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The characters, as you may have noticed, are based on people I know. The names have been changed, or nicknames have been used, so as to not cause any of the participating parties any grief.

Satan's Dim-Witted Minion [aka Starlet]: Blonde at heart, yet unmistakably brunette, Starlet is a wonderful friend to GG and is always involved in some sort of weird adventure with her.

The Busty Lawn Gnome [aka GG]: Starlet's best friend, GG prefers music to anything, except having fun with Starlet or the rest of the gang.

Kwail: Known for her random fits of rage, Kwail is really a good friend to everyone. Everyone, of course, who she doesn't despise.

The Conspiratoral Something-Or-Other [aka Tinkerbell]: Not in the story yet, but will be in the future, Tinkerbell doesn't suffer from insanity, she enjoys every minute of it, right down to the very last drop.

PQ: Ahh. PQ. Yes indeed. One word comes to mind: HYPERACTIVITY.