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Just a small note here -- This essay was intended to be practice for us to learn how to credit books and such without footnotes, so we had to put the author's name and page # in the essay. So that's what those names and numbers in the parentheses are. I thought it was a gay idea, but I had lots of fun writing this essay.

Chihuahuas sipping root beer often have very interesting thoughts. Researchers have shown that platform shoes are the most common thought, followed closely by Buddha (Raskin 1). The Modern Buddhism webpage says:
Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, is the god of Buddhism, a religion based in the Orient. Ther have been many Buddhas throughout the ages, recognized and unknown. Buddhists do not worship Buddha as a patriarchial, all-knowing entity like Christians; rather, Buddah can be many things to many people. To realize the Buddha-nature of your own consciousness is to realize Enlightenment.

Researchers are unsure as to why the chihuahuas think of Buddha. THey do know, however, that the most popular television show among the dogs is Star Trek (McIntyre 107). They believe this is due to the Chihuahua's abnormal fascination with transportation without walking. Their steps are so tiny it takes them more steps than other dogs to get them where they're going, and this embarrasses them (Burke--McDaniel 30).

Since Chihuahuas think of platform shoes only while sipping root beer, they tend to produce more bubbles in their root beer. These bubbles pollute the air with additional chloroflourocarbonates, which harm the ozone. Other than that, they don't hurt anything, except to slightly alter the taste of Twinkies (Bahman). Chihuahuas seem to like the taste of Twinkies, but the Twinkies aren't good for them. The cream filling is harmful to their digestive tract and causes them to have hallucinations of the fluffy, tasty desserts (Cohen 78).

The thoughts about platforms have been attributed to the dogs' small stature. Ever notice how short people wear platforms to make themselves taller? The same seems to go for Chihuahuas. They're insecure about their height, and they want to make up for it by wearing platforms, but of course, they can't. This makes them quite hostile (1990's Platforms). Ever notice the saucy look they always seem to have? It is really the suppressed hostility, not sauciness. Lots of people misinterperet that.

Not only does the Twinkie filling harm Chihuahuas, they are prone to having plaque on the brain, which may be related to Alzheimer's Disease (Talan A2). The dogs also seem to have a habit of swallowing stones for some unknown reason (McDonald 117). Products have been invented to help deter the dogs from this strange habit, so if you notice your Chihuahua exhibiting this behavior, you should look into buying those products (Dawson 122).

In conclusion, Chihuahuas are very entertaining and energetic dogs that are a wonderful addition to any home. Especially when they drink root beer.