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Just because I'm so terribly nice, I blanked out the last name of the Sarah I'm speaking of, just in case anyone who likes her (God forbid) happens to read this and comes back to me whining about how I'm such a heinous bitch.

I truly cannot express my abject longing for Mrs.Daniels to return to the classroom and restore order to the chaotic gathering we call "Second Period." We need her authority to save us from those we loathe. Rather loud and obnoxious persons in this classroom are audible above everyone else present. The remainder of the class is now becoming restless and agitated...the room goes quiet now, except for the widely discernable vocal noises of Sarah. Sarah ------. The chubby discolored one can't hear our cries for silence above her own voice. An aura of rage fills the room as she ceases to be quiet, and from across the room, several people loudly express their yearning for silence. "No one cares!" they say, but does she listen? No. She just keeps blabbing on and on and on about how she dyed her arms--up to the elbows--purple, during art class, and how she doesn't intend on trying to remedy that anytime soon, because, well, she likes the color purple and she thinks it looks cool. How horribly gay. If she had any social sense about this day and age and the fashions we like, she would know that purple arms are not all the rage. I'm sorry, but no. Purple hair, maybe, but otherwise no. It is so aggrivating to see someone you detest go on and on to her so-called "friends" about something you know no one would ever care about, even if they were paid, and never shut up. I beg your forgiveness if (God forbid) you happen to actually like the girl, but not me, or the remainder of our second period English class.

The following comments are from Mrs.Daniels (my english teacher):
Oh this is funny! Thank goodness you have patience- we must be tolerant in this world :) See? Here's a good reason for journals! :) Well written! :)