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Stuff To Download... o_O

This stuff took up like, all of my space alotment on this site, so you had better be happy. I got the stuff from various sites... If you want me to credit you, email me and I'll credit you with them, just to make you happy. So download away and take advantage of these spiffy things.

Aladdin WAV This is hilarious. Remember the urban legends about Disney movies having "ulterior motives" *wink*wink*? Well, this is one such legend: Aladdin telling Jasmine to take off her clothes. Worth the download.

THX WAV This is a really spiffy sound...Kinda creepy...I have it for the startup sound on my computer. It would sound really cool with a really sweet speaker system.

Teen Angel Remember that ABC show "Teen Angel"? Well, this was always my favorite part, where he said, "Never fear...Teeeeen Aaaaannnngelllll is heeeeeeere!"

Hula WAV This time its "The Lion King" and its Timon and Pumbaa's hula dance. Cute. I always liked to sing along with this.

This free script provided by
Website Abstraction


This free script provided by
Website Abstraction