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.::Well, you know me. I am an thing.
We evil elf-like things are also sort of violent, but don't be afraid.
We wont hurt you...
I swear to it...
There's a whole bunch of us if you care to investigate,
the first of which being Tinkerbell and myself, with more to come, I'm sure::.

.::Vanilla~Its the finest of the flavors. is also another one of my moods. I love vanilla::.

.::I swear, this is me. I think this is cute. Shut up.::.

.::H²oWater. Ahhh, water. That wonderful life-giving source::.

.::I feel sort of Aluminuminuminuminuminum-ish::.

A demented little luv-bug.
Ain't it cuuuuuute?