Welcome to my Homepage!
Hi, I'm Tanya and I guess I'm known as the Boss of the group. That's what
daddy calls me. I am twenty-one years old. I work at a daycare center in the 2 year old class. I love working with kids. Tamara says that's because I'm on the same wavelengths as they are. Those kids brighten my day no matter how it's going. They give you a hug, a kiss or just say Ms. Tanya, I love you, and things totally change. God is the same way, he can make you happy when sad and he raps his arms around you and makes all your problems seem to go away no matter how big or small. Some of my favorite hobbies are shopping, playing sports, hanging with my friends and of course singing. When I'm not doing those things, I'm either sleeping or looking for tractor anything. I love tractors, they are so cool. I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. I think it's because of Kenny Chesney's song, "She Thinks My Tractors Sexy." After that I was hooked. I also love movies. My two favorite movies are the Wedding Singer and Beauty and The Beast. Well, I thought it was about time to write my page. I hope you have enjoyed it. One more thing, love one another and things in your life will go much better. I
love you all and may God Bless.
Love in Christ,
Tanya Hicks
Jesus Saves
Email: Cledusgirl@aol.com