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*Name : Ken Shadman Ota

*Status :

*Currently live :

*Birthdate :
july 11 (7-11)

*School :
Santa Clara University

*Favorite Food :
mashed potatoes smothered in "i can't believe it's not butter"

*Favorite Thing to Do :
Write Music, sit in front of a fire on the beach, listen to Sting and the Arabian guy in his new song

*Car Drivin :
1988 Honda Accord LX-i with a bike rack

*Work :
Piano Instructor, Research Assistant at SCU, Pianist, and running the band

Band Related Questions...

*Nick Name in Band :
Shut up.

*When did you join the band :
When I sat down and thought about starting a band.

*Instrament in Band :

*Songs you sing in the band :
Kid, Color Me Human, LOOK, No War

*How do you feel about how Ignition works :
I feel that Ignition works just fine!

*Favorite song(s) from the band :
All of them.

*Favorite saying :
"give a man a fish and he'll have food for a day...teach a man how to beg for fish and he'll have food for a lifetime"
