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Fri Aug 23, 2002
Wow, we've been really lost :) I myself haven't even found the time to come look at this site let alone update it, which is the same for Xtine. Maybe once things settle down in life I'll have some time to sit down and design and get into this all again. I hope so because it was a lot of fun and its so awesome to know that people still come here and like what they see! Hopefully we'll be coming at you guys with some great stuff in the near future!
Mad Love,
Ali *
So what makes GOOD CHARLOTTE different from any other band out there? Originality, talent, passion, dedication, sincerity, endurance ... shall we go on? These guys deliver feel-good music from the heart, proving once again dreams do come true. We happen to think pretty highly of them so here ya go, our site for all your GC needs. Things are always changing around here so stop by and check us out every once and awhile. Don't forget to sign the guestbook and let us know what you think!
Ali & Christine

We've won - wahoo! Even though we haven't updated in sooo long. I swear to GOD, we'll do it soon.

Vote For Us in the Top GC Sites.
[Thanks so much to everyone who has already voted for us!]

since january 5th 2001
News Last Updated :
Thurs Apr 04, 2002
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