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GC = [L to R] Dusty, Paul, Billy, Joel, Benji
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Music Head Interview with Joel
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GC in Teen Spoof Movie
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When Siblings Rock
Alternative Press
APR 01 2001

Whom did mom like best?
Benji: Even though I got into trouble the most, I think I was definitely her favorite. She would always tell me I was her favorite. I guess it never occurred to me that she could have said the same thing to all of us.
Joel: I definitely think mom liked me best. I was always a little less work for her than Benji. Besides, she always used to whisper in my ear that I was her favorite. I couldn't tell Benji that. I don't think he could handle it.

Who first corrupted whom?

Benji: Corruption? What's that? No, we probably corrupted each other.
Joel: I've yet to be corrupted.

Who got caught more often?
Benji: Definitely me. I always got caught. One time, I actually got spanked for something Joel did. I guess it was part of being identical twins.
Joel: Benj definitely got caught the most, but he took the fall for me countless times. When we were getting ourselves into things, he always got us out or took all the blame.

Who got into cool music first?

Benji: I'd have to say we both started listening to our own stuff around the same time. Joel started to sway towards the Smiths and the Cure, while I was obsessed with bands like Minor Threat and Rancid. But we both agreed on bands like Social Distortion, Green Day and the Clash.

What's a little-known fact about your brother?
Benji: His favorite cereal is Cinnamon Life; he eats ketchup on everything; he sings in the shower.
Joel: He thinks fate will one day bring him and Britney Spears together. (He seriously does.)

Is there anything you wouldn't do for your brother?
Benji: Lend him money to buy another Star Wars toy. Other than that I'd do anything. C'mon, I got his name tattooed on me.
Joel: I'd do anything for him.

Any long-time secret you'd like to tell your brother to get off your chest?

Benji: I don't know how your going to take this, but Santa Claus isn't real, bro.
Joel: In tenth grade I kissed your girlfriend. But don't worry, I didn't like it. She used too much tongue.