Rabbitt Trivia 

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This month's trivia:
What is the name of Neil Cloud's personal trainer?

Click here to see if your answers are correct:  Answers

Fill out the answers to each question below in the boxes provided next to each question and the answer to the trivia 
should appear in red in the grid. If there is a space needed in an answer, type in the space also so the puzzle will
work correctly.  This puzzle should work with both Netscape and Explorer browsers.


This puzzle now can be used with either Explorer or Netscape.  You can now type in the full words (including spaces when
necessary) in order to reach the correct answers. Tab only to get to the next answer box. Then click on the "Click
to fill in boxes in grid" button to see the answer in red to the trivia question.

1. Duncan Faure's son's first two names:                        
     (15 letters plus a space between)                                                      

2.  One of Duncan Faure's first bands:
     (3 words, 14 letters plus a space between each word) 

3.  Selwyn Schneider was born in this city:
     (2 words with  10 letters plus a space between)                          

4.  Twin daughter of Ronnie Robot:
     (6 letters)                                      

5.  Ronnie Robot's son by wife Peta:  (4 letters)                                 

6.  Ronnie Robot's real last name: (8 letters)                                     

7.  Twin son of Ronnie Robot: (4 letters)                                            

8.  Album Duncan Faure made with The Rollers: (4 letters)             

9.  Selwyn Schneider started out as a _______________ in
     Rabbitt: (7 letters)                                                                          

10.  Duncan Faure's wife's first name:  (6 letters)