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Fight To Survive formed from a metal band called Euphoria. Euphoria was of Mike, Jon, and bassist Scott. Scott left and yet another Scott came in as bassist. He then became the second guitarist and we were minus a bassist for a while. Then Scott left and we acquired bassist Kevin and second guitarist/vocalist Sean. Sean then left and in came Mike. Kevin left and Mike became full time vocalist/bassist. We then became Fight To Survive. We played live about twice until Mike left and Justin came in as full time vox man. While we were looking for a new bassist, Eric (a known friend) offered to fill in until we found a bassist. Eric then became our final bassist. After a year or so of playing shows we began to look for a second guitarist to make our sound fuller. We found one in a kid named Steve. This is Fight To Survive's lineup as of this moment. It may change as it has in the past but will always remain Fight To Survive.

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Pictures taken at Fight to Survive's final show at Ground Zero, March 31st