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Victims in Ecstacy

Welcome to the part of my page about Victims in Ecstacy. VIE is: Jim Louvau;vocals, Andrew Gerold;guitar, Jared Bakin;rhythm guitar, Ken Bergeron;bass, and Danny Diaz;drums. Victims is an oh so awesome band. VIE was born in May of '97. They are from Phoenix, AZ. They were voted "Best Industrial" act in the 1998 New Times music showcase. In April 2000, the VIE E.P. 'Chinese Pornography' came out. You can buy their CD at Zia's. It is a very awesome CD, it rarely leaves my CD player! Victims puts on an excellent show! One time, I almost got beat up at one of their shows for standing up to this guy who was throwing stuff at Jim and calling him a fag and whatnot! It was pretty funny! I got some pictures, but I gotta scan them.