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the looking glass
position in looking glass: lead guitar, bgv's
date of birth: december 27, 1981
age: 21
hometown:oakdale, mn
marital status: on the prowl
fav. t.v. shows: c.s.i., letterman and leno
musical equipment: heritage guitar, boss
pedal, fender amp
musical influences: i have been influenced
in music by many people. i have roots in folk
and bluegrass, but have many influences in
style. i can't really name one person that has
really influenced my playing except maybe
my teachers and montors are: nate sabin,
glen larson, andrew brown, and a few others.
spiritual influences: well this is another one
where i could name many people but won't. my parents al and deb are probably one of the biggest influences, but a few others are: rob schuberg, nate sabin, my youth pastor stuart ward, and andrew brown.
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