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This is obviously what the title suggests and is, in fact, a list of all the recordings we have made.  Once we get that record deal this section of the site will look a whole lot more full but until then... here it is, in all it's glory.


"What Would Mummy Say?" (Frozenorth Records)

Track Listing 

1. next step nowhere - Annalise 
2. when I'm gone - Stimilion
3. the obvious one - Scientific Simpleton 
4. movie for life - Vanilla Pod 
5. Why Can't You Be More Like Me? - Melted Cat 
6. out of this misery - Slap Madcap 
7. strictly beaver - Laminator 
8. bring me your mum - Mummy Says I'm special 
9. i hate you - Gecko 
10. the song changes but the tune stays the same - No Reason Why ? 
11. aint gonna cry - Vidar 
12. i'm roving - The Greenland Whalefishers 
13. black hole - Eastfield 
14. i'm in love with someone (who's in love with someone else) 
15. my girlfriend is an alien - Jon Does 
16. monobrow pt2 - The Rejects 
17. spoils of war - The Final Hour 
18. squeal! - The Antisocialworkers 
19. say goodbye - The Mispelt 
20. punk shit - Dogshit Sandwich 
21. sorry sold out - Stimilion 
22. forget the girl - Annalise 

You can buy this compilation from , or from shows or the merch section next year.


"Cats Don't Melt"

1) Why Cant You Be More Like Me?
2) Tuesday
3) In Hindsight
4) Mr. Cynical

Mp3s of these tracks can be found in the MP3 section.