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Scene 2

The scene opens with the guys arriving at a restaurant for lunch.

Donna:		Lets hurry up and go in! I'm starving!
		(They go into the restaurant and all squash into a booth)
Aaron:		Right..what does everyone want?
Steph:		Um..I'll have a large burger and fries..and a large coke.
Bob:		I'll have...a pizza...anyone wanna share?
Laura:		Yeah, ok.  Meat feast?
Bob:		Cool.
Dave:		..and I will have...a kebab I think.  No, make that 2.
Aaron:		Woah..I'm having trouble remembering this...
Donna:		Me and Scott will share a pizza too.  (To Scott) What do you want?
Scott:		Whatever.
Donna:		(Grins) Ok then.  We'll have a pizza topped with garbage and tons
                of dead insects!
Scott:		Ok..when I said 'whatever', I meant, something edible!
Bob:		That is edible in some countries ya know...
Donna:		Alright..we'll have a farmhouse.
Aaron:		Right..and me and Katy will share a Vegetarian one.
Scott:		What was that about Donna having me wrapped around her little 	
		finger?  Katy certainly seems to have you under her thumb.  Don't you
		want a meat one?
Katy:		I didn't say anything did I?  (starting to get angry)  Did I tell
                him he had to share a veggie one with me... I..(Aaron interrupts her)
Aaron:		Katy it's ok.. I want to share one with you and you didn't make me do
		anything.  Besides I would give up meat for you if it made you happy. 
		I just want you happy (smiles at her)
Scott:		See told you.. you're well sucked in buddy..Next you'll be carrying her
		bag for her and waiting on her hand and foot..wouldn't catch me doing
Donna:		Umm Scott can I have my bag for a second please?
		(Scott gives Donna her bag that he's been holding the whole time.  	
		Everyone bursts into fits of laughter which stop when the waitress 	
		comes over.  They order and joke about until it arrives)
Bob:		(Waving the pizza cutter about)  Ok Laura, which slice do you
Katy: careful with that thing.
Dave: maybe Laura should do that.
Scott:		That's a good idea!
Bob:		Nope..I can handle a little slice of pizza.  Your concern is greatly 	
		appreciated though...but I have been eating pizza since I was a kid, ya
Donna:		So..where are we heading for tonight then?
Steph:		Anyone against sleeping in the van?
Laura:		No! Please no! It will be so uncomfortable...
Scott:		Hey least you're gonna get to go to sleep.  Don't forget who's
		gonna be driving us all through the night!
Aaron:		Yeah...Scott, sure you don't mind?  You're gonna be wrecked 	
Bob:		So he should be looking better tomorrow than usual!
Katy:		No seriously...It's dangerous to drive if you're tired.
Scott:		Hey, cool it.  It'll be fine.
		(They finish lunch and head back to the van.  Dave lets out a yell)
Dave:		Hey man...we got a flat!
Aaron:		What! You're joking!
Donna:		Oh great! Do you have a spare?
Scott:		Have we? We've got 3! That's why there's a shortage of space!
Katy:		Will it take long?
Bob:		Nope...changing a tyre is a meer speck in my wide area of expertise!
Laura:		Bob!  Quit boasting and get on with it so that we can get back on the
		(They set off, complete with new tyre.  It's getting late...about 10 	
		O'clock.  Everyone stars yawning)
Steph:		Um...bad news guys...we aren't going to make the Campsite tonight.
Scott:		We'll probably be there by about 4 O'clock (Grins) Anyone
                wanna wait that long?
Dave:		Ok...I guess I can try and sleep in the van tonight (To Scott) 
                And if you plan on crashing into anything or something like that,    
                wait till tomorrow!
Donna:		Don't be nasty...go to sleep! (Leans towards Scott) You sure
                you're gonna be Ok?
Scott:		(Exasperated)  Yeah...I'll be fine.  (He kisses Donna who then
                sits back in her seat to try to go to sleep)
Aaron:		Well, if you need to pull over then do so, Ok?
Scott:		Aye, aye captain.
		(It's about 1 O'clock and everyone is asleep.  Scott wipes his eyes and
		takes a slurp from the thermal flask of black coffee that he somehow
		thought he might need.  His mind wanders to last year and the incident
		at Katy and Donna's School, as it often had done.  Should he have 	
		tried harder to save Clint?  His attention is caught by a blur in the 	
		road up ahead.  He squints through the darkness to see what it is, his
		foot ready on the brake.  It appears to be a heap of rubbish so he 	
		steers away from it.  When it is about a foot away, it suddenly moves to
		right in front of the van.  Scott swerves and jams his foot hard down on
		the brake, managing to stop the van from sliding off down a steep 	
		valley.  Everyone is jolted awake immediately)
Bob:		(Sleepily) Woah...what was that? Are you alright?
Scott:		Yeah...(Opening his door) What was that is a pretty good
		(Everyone hops out of the van and walks to the back of the van)
Katy:		What was it? An animal? I hope you didn't hit it!
Scott:		(Crossly) No! It was a pile of rubbish or something.  It looked like
                 a pile of garbage bags in the middle of the road.  I steered around it...but
		it seemed to move right in front of me!
Laura:		Don't be silly! Garbage doesn't move!
Dave:		It does if it's been left long enough!
Donna:		(Ignoring Dave) Look, maybe you were just tired and...and thought
		you saw it move.
Aaron:		Yeah...but look, there's nothing here!
		(They all look about them but there is no sign of the garbage
Steph:		You must have been seeing things...garbage doesn't just appear and
		then walk away.
Scott:		(Annoyed) I wasn't seeing things! I'm not even particularly tired! 
Katy:		Look, why don't we just drive to the next layby and then all go to sleep. 
		I was beginning to get motion sickness anyway.
		(They go back to the van and get inside.  They start off again, heading
		for the freeway layby.  Bob is gazing out of the side window.  He pulls
		frantically at Laura's arm)
Bob:		What is that?
Laura:		What? Bob, stop trying to spook us all out.  It's not working.
Bob:		No...I'm not joking.  There's a light in the middle of that wood over 	
Aaron:		Maybe it's the phantom garbage thrower!
Steph:		Or a Extra-terrestrial garbage tip!
Scott:		Guys! Quit it! It's not funny!
Dave:		Alright, alright...sorry.
Donna:		I don't think the layby is much further, it should be...
Katy:		(Yells)  Watch out!
		(Scott sees the same apparent pile of garbage bags from before and
		swerves.  It seems to move in front of them)
Scott:		Hang on!
		(The van swerves around it and stops by the side of the road.  	
		Everyone looks at each other in astonishment)

Scene 3
Fright Night 2 index