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Scene 1

The scene opens with Katy, Donna, Natalie, Sophie and Sam waiting in Dartford town
centre.  It's about 11pm and dark.

Sophie:	        What time did you say Aaron and his mates are coming?
Katy:		They should be here by now.
Donna:		So, who are these 'mates'..
Sophie:         Yeah, are they good looking?
Katy:		I don't know who they are.  I didn't even know he had other friends 	
		here apart from me.
Sam:		Well, they'd better hurry up coz I'm getting cold!
Natalie:	(Jumping on the spot to keep warm) How long is Aaron gonna be here
		for before he goes back to America?
Katy:		He's only here for 2 weeks..
Donna:		Better work fast then..only 1 week left to make him yours!
Katy:		(Blushes) We're just friends!
Sam:		Yeah, right..
Sophie:	        Whatever!
		(They hear someone call Katy from behind them and turn around.  	
		They see Aaron walking up the road towards them with some mates)
Natalie:	Erm..I thought he was bringing 4 guys...
Donna:		Yeah, there's like 3 guys and a girl!
Katy:		Erm...I think that's actually a guy!
Sam:		What! No she's not! Oh, I can't's too dark.
Donna:		(Grabbing Katy's arm) Oh my god!
Katy:		What?
Donna:		(Drooling) That other guy looks so much like Scott Moffatt! I saw him
Katy:		No, don't be si...(Gasps) Oh my god! It is Scott Moffatt!
Natalie:	Who??!!
Sophie:	        Ya know, The Moffatts, that crap band Donna and Katy are 	
		always going on about!
Sam:		Oh, them!
Katy:		Sophie! They're the best band in the world!
Donna:		(Excited) We're going to meet The Moffatts! We're going to meet The
		(Donna and Katy start jumping up and down in excitement)
Katy:		I'm going to get their autographs....
Donna:		I wish I'd brought my camera....
Katy:		I hope we get a chance to talk to them!
Scott:		(From behind them) Well, we are staying all night at the school with
		(Donna and Katy both jump)
Aaron:		Hi guys! This is..
		(Katy and Donna start jumping up and down saying "The Moffatts")
Clint:		(Embarrassed) I um..guess you know who we are then!
Katy:		(Sopily) We're your biggest fans!
Donna:		We saw you guys at Brighton with 911!
Sophie:	        Oh yeah, they made it sound like your concert, not 911's!
Bob:		(Smiling) Thanks a lot.
Dave:		(Embarrassed by their dopey behaviour) We're just normal guys ya
Scott:		(Laughs, pleadingly) Yeah, for tonight at least..and please don't 	
		interview us! We've had enough of that today already.
Katy:		(Gawping) What? Why? How do you...It's The Moffatts! (Seeing the
		glares from them) I mean, Scott, Clint, Dave...oh yeah and Bob!
Aaron:		Calm down Katy..breathe!
Donna:		But Aaron! It's THE MOFFATTS!
Clint:		(Rolling his eyes) Yeah, quit with the fan thing!
Scott:		Are we going to the school or what!
Sam:		Yeah, please..I'm so cold!
		(They walk up the hill chatting and laughing and arrive at the school)

Scene 2
Fright Night index