Katy: What? Who is it? Natalie: My God..... Scott: (Leaping down the stairs) What? (The others fumble down the stairs in the dark) Donna: (Worried) Will one of you two tell us what's going on!? Scott: Oh my god! It's Sophie! Dave: (Jumping down the last few stairs) What! (The others reach the bottom and see Sophie's lifeless body) Katy: (Gasps) What kind of sicko would do that!? I think I'm going to spew. Poor Sophie! (In shock) Do you think she suffered much? Dave: She's been slashed for christs sake! Of course it hurt! (mumbles) Cool! Natalie: That's sick, Dave. (Scared) I wanna go home! Aaron: Are you Ok, Katy? You're looking a bit pale. Katy: (Hysterically) Me? I'm great! Why wouldn't I be? Theres only a pscyho slasher running around the School! (Aaron puts his arm around Katy to comfort her) Dave: Does anyone else think it smells kinda odd here? Scott: (Sarcastically) It's a dead body, Dave. It's hardly gonna smell like a bed of roses, is it? Donna: (Gulps) Can we just get the hell outta here? This place is giving me the creeps. Natalie: Ok, lets get outta here. Back to the common room. (They go back upto the common room in shock. They sit in silence for a bit) Scott: (Breaking the silence) We really should try and find Clint and Bob if we've got a pscyho maniac running around the school. Dave: Yeah, I guess. Where did they go? Donna: I don't know...we all left together. We know Bob went off ages ago and Clint, well, I didn't even notice he wasn't with us. Dave: (Grins) I'll tell him that! Katy: Dave! This isn't the time for joking about! Aaron: O.K, I vote that we get the girls outta here and then we go and look for Clint and Bob. Natalie: Yeah, yeah...good idea (Standing up) Donna: But there's a killer running around the school! Katy: (Looking doubtfully at Aaron) Yeah, I'm not sure. I don't think we should leave the guys by themselves. Donna: (Looking between Dave and Scott) Yeah, I agree. Dave: (Smiling flirtatiously) I'd be happier knowing you were safe. (Donna flashes a smile at Dave that Scott sees disapprovingly) Scott: You're sick, Dave. Trying to get your leg over when we're all on the verge of death. Dave: (Heatedly) Yeah, well I don't want to die a virgin! (Theres silence for a bit) Donna: Ahem...anyway, what are we going to do, guys? Aaron: We? What's this 'we' business? We're taking you girls outta here whether you like it or not! Katy: (Clinging to his arm) I'm not leaving you to be slaughtered!! Natalie: Ok guys, calm down. Nobody else is gonna get slaughtered but we're certainly not leaving you guys here by yourselves. Katy: Shit! Donna: What? Katy: We totally forgot about Sam. She was with Sophie. She could be laying hurt somewhere, or even dead! We have to find her. Aaron: Don't worry us guys will look for her. Now let's just get you girls out of here. (Katy opens her mouth to protest) You are leaving now and that's final! Donna: Come on Katy. I don't think we have much choice. Katy: Fine! But I'm still not happy with this. (They walk in silence to the room where they came in through the window) Dave: Ok. Now no protests. You three girls are leaving. Go to the nearest house and ask to use the phone ok. Katy: Ok (still does not look happy about leaving but goes over to window and tries to open it) Umm. I can't get it open! Aaron: Very funny. Look you're are going, stop delaying it. Donna: Erm guys.... Katy: (looks desperate) I'm not joking! I can't get it open. Someone must have locked it. We're trapped. We're stuck in her with a maniac on the lose. (Becoming increasingly hysterical) We're all gonna die. Scott: Just calm down. Let me try. Dave: Pretending the window is stuck isn't very clever, Katy. Katy: I'm not pretending. It's stuck. Dave: Yeah right. Scott: I hate to break it to you but she's right. I can't get it to move either. Donna: You mean we're really trapped in here with a maniac! Natalie: (Hysterically) I'm going to die! I'm not ready to die yet. There's so much I haven't done. We're all going to die. We're doomed. We're never gonna get out of this. Dave: Stop being so fricking melodramatic. I'm sure we can find another window to get out of! Katy: They'll all be locked. Scott: I'm sure there must be one that will open. Donna: No. Katy's right. They'll all be locked since the school is closed. It's for security. Aaron: (Trying a couple of windows) I think they are right. All of these are locked. Scott: Well, I'm sure there must be one somewhere that will open. Dave: Let's split up and look. Natalie: I'm not splitting up. There's a maniac on the lose. Aaron: We'll go in pairs. You're coming with me Katy. Katy: OK. That's fine with me. I didn't want to leave you in the first place. Dave: (Quickly) I'll go with Donna. Scott: No, I'm going with Donna. Donna: (looks annoyed) Actually, I'm going with Natalie. You two can go together. Scott: What! I'm not going with that creep. Dave: I think I'd prefer to take my chances with the maniac than go with him. Katy: It's not funny. Just stick together and check the school for open windows and be careful. Donna: The quicker we start the quicker we're free. Yell when you find a window that will open. Scott: OK. (Walks off in one direction and Dave walks off in the other) Donna: (Yells) Scott! Dave! Stick together. Aaron: They won't listen. Katy: Just make sure you stick together OK. Take care. Aaron: And keep an eye out for Clint, Bob and Sam. They have to be around somewhere and they need to be warned there is pschyo on the loose. (Katy and Aaron walk off in one direction to search and Natalie and Donna go in a different direction)
Scene 8
Fright Night index