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January 5, 2005
Thanks to everyone that came out to the show at Sox place on 12/18/04 for the Outbreak, Mutiny, In The Crosshairs, GNRP show, it was awesome!!! We might be playing a show soon, so we'll keep you updated. As far as recording news, we are going to start recording soon (FINALLY) so we will be putting out an LP with our new songs. Check out the merch section for new shirts, and the pictures page for new pictures.

September 29, 2004
I really need to update this site more often, but I hate computers (or, my computer because it is old and slow). But in the news department, thanks to everyone who came out to the show on 9/26/04 at the Climax Lounge, it was awesome!!! We are playing a rad halloween show on 10/30/04 at Pink E's entertainment complex (check the shows section), and it is going to be alot of fun. We are going to have some special merch only available at this show. We are hopefully going to record our songs for an upcoming lp in 12/04. I guess that is all for now.

July 16, 2004
WOW! It has been over six months since I've updated the site. In the news department, we are keeping a low profile, as our 2nd guitar player Ed became an official airline pilot!!! SO, now he has to fly all over the country on the crappy schedule as he is the new guy. Our only confirmed show is in October, and I believe is is a Halloween show.

December 31, 2003
Just want to say thank you to all of the people who came out to the As We Speak/Mutiny show two weeks ago. We are going to be playing on 1/24/04 for our friend Thor who will be moving away, so email us for directions, as it should be an awesome show. Look for an album sometime in 2004, as we are still on the writing process for the album. Other than that, nothing else is going on that is too spectacular. Thanks for looking.

November 12, 2003
I never seem to update this site that often, maybe it's due to the fact that not much is really happening with the band right now. We are still trying to write songs for an upcoming album, and we don't have any shows lined up at the moment.

August 7, 2003
It has been over six months since the last update, and we have alot to talk about. first off, there have been a few comps that have come out recently that we are on. The first one is a local comp called "A TASTE OF COLORADO" and it features all local bands. This comp is FREE, and it includes a new song called "Stand Strong". There is a comp coming out soon, with another new song called "checkmate". I'll put more info about this comp as I get it. There is another local comp called "RADIO 1190" vol. 2, and we put "checkmate" on this comp. Also, "Impulse" appears on a new comp that Not Just Records was a part of, and this comp is mainly in Europe. We'll have some, and if you really want it, visit the merch section. Or, order one from Not Just Words records. It's Free, but you have to buy something to get it. We're going into the studion next month to record some songs for an upcoming album, so we'll see what happens. We have some shows coming up, so check the show section to see where we are playing.

February 3, 2003
Go to the show section to view two upcoming shows. The first is at the Virgin Records Megastore in Downtown Denver. It's on 2/5/03. The show is FREE, and starts at 7:00 pm. The second show is at Kakes Studios in Boulder. it is on 2/8/03. This show will probably start around 8:00, and will probable be around $5. We want to say thank you to all of the nice people who we saw on tour, and to all of the nice people who went out of their way to help us. We are currently writing new songs to be released on an upcoming full length. Check out the show section for more shows in the future.

January 1, 2003
We have a new bass player since last time we updated this site. His name is Weston, and he is the 6th person to grace this instrument for the band. We have a plethora of shows coming up, so check the show section often because a few more will be added in the next couple of days.

November 1, 2002
Well, it has been SIX MONTHS since I've updated thie website, and there has been a bunch of stuff going on, so let's get started. First, Bryan left the band over the summer to spend more time with his other band, SCOTT BAIO ARMY, and also because he is moving to Rhode Island in early 2003. So, we got a new bass player named Aaron, who is moving back to Illinois in December, so Ed will be playing bass again until we find a new bass player. We are going into the studio in two weeks to record some songs for a slew of comps we are going to be on in the upcoming months. Other than that, we have just been playing shows. Now that I have more time, the site will be updated on a more frequent basis. Check out the shows page, we have a few coming up. Later.

May 1, 2002
We would like to thank everyone for coming out to the VITAMIN X show last night. There were no fights and everyone was dancing around having a good time. Ed did not mess up the songs, so it was a good show. We'll be playing in May, so be on the look out for further shows. The CD compilation will be out in a few months, so make sure to go to the Merch section to see when it comes in. In other news, Collin just started his new job in Denver working for the Colorado Parks, keeping this state as beautiful as he can. Mike is graduating in 9 days, and then is getting married in August. Bryan is living in Denver with his wife Lynn and playing with the Scott Baio Army still. Ed is still teaching people how to fly airplanes, and David is still in school for another year. In sad news, ex-member Tom Dunbabin is moving back to California to take over the family business. He was the first real drummer we had, and drummed on the demo tape. We wish him the best of luck in his life.

April 1, 2002
It has been awhile since we have updated the site, but as you can see it is getting a new look. Make sure to check out the pictures, discography, and merch sections for new pictures. We are playing April 30th with VITAMIN X at the junkyard in Denver. SCOTT BAIO ARMY is also playing, so make sure to get there to check them out. We just finished recording 5 songs for a cd compilation that is coming out in a few months. We have also added a new member to the band, Ed is now on 2nd guitar, making it louder! Ed's first show will be the VITAMIN X show, so come say hello.

February 18, 2002
How's it goin!! Just added some pictures to the merch page so people will know what the new shirt looks like. We would like to thank everyone who came out to the show on the 4th, it was amazing. About 70 kids showed up to rock out in Collin's living room and no one called the cops! Ross had a great birthday party, and received a warm welcome. We will be recording soon, so check back here to see when all of that is happening.

February 1, 2002
I have not updated this site in a while, but I think that it will be okay, because we now have a bunch of news to share with the world. We are going into the studio in a feww weeks to record for a few different things. We are tentatively scheduled to be on a international hardcore compilation, with us representing the United States. We are also looking into putting out a split 7" with CRUCIAL ATTACK from Nevada. And we are in the process of setting up a west coast tour this spring! We just want to thank everyone who came out to the SHOGUN cd release show on January 24th in Boulder to support us. It was awesome seeing a faces we have not seen in a while. We are playing a house show on Monday February 4th, so Email us for directions. We are also playing in April. No word yet on the official date, but check back to see when it will be. Thanxxx

November 12, 2001
We just got the European pressing on NOT JUST WORDS records, and it looks awesome. We are playing some shows coming up soon. On December 26th, we are playing with THROWDOWN at the Roxy in Denver. On January 24th, we are playing with SHOGUN at Tulagi's in Boulder. We are almost out of the SEVENLUCKY pressing, with only 15 copies left for sale (There are more at Distros, but we are almost out.) We have colored vinyl copies of our 7" from NOT JUST WORDS, so order fast because they are almost gone as well. Check out these reviews we just got:

Maximum Rock N Roll Issue #221/October 2001
"Straight forward sXe youth crew style that reminds me of BROTHERHOOD when they start going fast. It's a nice mix between late 80's youth crew style and early 90's heavier acts. This could have been on Conversion in 1990 for sure. when they stick with the faster paced songs, MUTINY really shines. Damn strong debut. (MW)"

HIT LIST Vol. 3/Num. 3 November/December 2001
"I forsee that this will be a much sought after 7" in the not too distant future, since this band clearly has what it takes to become one of the premier acts in the fast, straight forward, hardcore sweepstakes. I can't wait to hear more. (BAM)"

September 4, 2001
Sorry for the long delay in updates, but there was really nothing to update. For the past four months we have been without a drummer, but all of that has changed. David (Formally of Letdown and the Substitutes) is our new drummer. We are looking forward to playing again, so be on the lookout for shows in the Denver area. We will be touring our to California in the winter, so if you live out there and want to help us set up a show, email us. Our record is being released in Europe on "Not Just Words Records" so all of the fine people from the old world can listen to our record. The first press of our record on Seven Lucky records is almost gone and a second press is on the way.

May 19, 2001
Hello everybody!! We have alot of news to share with you. Not only has the past month been a great one, i has also been a bad one. Let's start with the bad. Robb has decided to leave the band which means we are looking for a drummer. If anyone is interested, email us at Robb decided that playing drums in our band was not for him, so we wish him the best of luck in his future involvements. In GOOD news, we have just decided to release our record in Europe on Not Just Words Records. He will be pressing the record so all of the great people of Europe can buy our record with ease. So be on the lookout for that! We also just played a show with ENSIGN a week ago, so we would like to thank everyone who came out to that show for supporting the scene. Bryan is getting married on Sunday June 3rd, so we are all wishing him the best of luck. If anyone is interested in merch, email us first to make sure we have in stock what you want. We are in the process of getting new shirts, buttons and stickers. We also have a limited amount of the 7" pressed onto CD for all of the people who don't own record players. They cost $5 and are still available.

April 17, 2001
We would like to thank everyone who made it out to our record release show!! No one started any fights and there was no violence (except fish getting his head gouged open by Bryan's bass, but that doesn't count). In other related news, Robb played that show on second guitar, but is now going to play drums due to the fact that drummer's are impossible to find. So, we are back to a four piece and we are going to start looking for a 2nd guitar player soon. Bryan's other band THE SCOTT BAIO ARMY just released their debut 7" called "Join the Army." Everyone should go out and buy this record. It is one of the best records to come out of Colorado in a LONG time. Stay tuned for more info to be posted, as well as pictures that are current. Thanks

March 20, 2001
It has been three months since the last update, and there is a bunch of news to share with the world. First off, we are getting a new drummer. He is 17 years old and doesn't attend school anymore. He is replacing Sean who has been in the band for almost 2 years. Sean will be focusing on his other bands now so we wish him the best of luck! Another addition to the band is Robb on 2nd guitar. After 3 years as the solo guitarist, we decided to add more depth and volume to our live sound. We've practiced together and everything is only going to get better! The release show will be the last show with Sean on drums and as a four piece, but after that we will be a unified 5 piece. As far as our record is concerned, it is official. Our record release show will be on April 14 at the CAT down in denver. The first 300 are on red vinyl, hand numbered and with special packaging. Anyone who is interested should email us. We are also in the process of setting up a west coast tour for July, so be on the lookout for that.
Check out the SEVEN LUCKY RECORDS web page, we're finally on it!!

December 5, 2000
Sorry for the long interval in between updates, but I forgot to update the website. But the good news is that there is a lot of news to share with you people of the free world. We did not break up!!!! We are done recording, the mastering is done, and the record is on it's way to the pressing plant in Chicago! There are only going to be 300 records, so make sure to get one while they are still around. It might get repressed but we don't know. We are also going to have a new E-mail address soon, so be on the lookout for that too. It is now time for the weird news. Collin is going on tour with local hardcore cover boys "The Shogun" to earn a position as roadie. Sean is playing in three bands now (Mutiny, Departure, Contender) and does the website for just about everyone in Colorado. Bryan is growing a beard and just bought a Rickenbacker bass. He also continues his quest in the local supergroup "The Scott Baio Army." in case you were wondering, Bryan had the chance to meet Scott Baio in person a month ago. And Mr. Scott Baio thinks it is cool that a thrash band is honoring his name. Mike is doing nothing but school and work, and trying to organize practice to keep things together. Also, get ready to witness Shogun and Mutiny at "The Cat" on January 13. It will be the Shogun CD release show, and our first show in about 4 months. Why so long you ask? Let me tell you: If a band overplays, then no one likes that band anymore. So, to keep people liking our band, we decided to turn down shows and keep a low profile. That's all for now, so we'll talk to you later. ((((Trivia Question about Matt Amedeo: 1. What was his favorite song before he left for DC? 2. Matt Amedeo drove what kind of car? 3. Matt Amedeo originally came from where? stay tuned for answers)))))

August 17, 2000
Hello again, this is Mike with a new update. We are going into the studio tomorrow to record our debut record for Seven Lucky Records. It's going to have 6 songs, some from our demo and some new ones, which means absolutely nothing to you, since no one really knows our songs anyways. Our new lineup is going to be permanent, being that Tom was eaten by a Gorilla at the San Diego Zoo last week. Our sympathy goes out to his family. He is with the good Lord now, so pray to him for spiritual guidance. In other news, Sean got a new snare drum. It's pretty sweet. I just bought a pack of guitar strings. 10 gage. They're pretty sweet. I just got a new job, and we just got cable in the house today. Once again, they're pretty sweet. Collin has returned from Botswana on his African Adventure with the Crocodile Hunter. He's pretty sweet. Collin's poison Ivy rash finally went away. It wasn't sweet. Bryan plays in another band called the Scott Baio Army, you should really check them out. They are Pretty Sweet!! We are going to try to set up a show with them sometime, since we've never played with them before, and it sounds like fun. Did I mention that we have our debut record coming out on Seven Lucky records this fall. Go to their webpage at That is all of the news for this week, stay tuned for show updates and trivia questions about Matt Amedeo.

July 17, 2000
Whats up, sorry for the lack of updates and what not on the webpage, from now on it will hopefully stay atleast somewhat up to date. Now a little about what's been going on: First off, I (sean), have switched from bass to drums, and Brian from Scott Baio Army is playing bass with us. We have a show on Saturday at the Moorhead house, where mike and I will be moving into in August. That should be fun, so come to that if you can. We are also planning to go into the studio fairly soon to record some songs that will be on an upcoming 7" out on Seven Lucky Records. That will hopefully be out sometime in the fall. Other then that we've just been practicing a lot, getting use to the lineup change, and are getting some more shows set up. Check back to see when we're playing next. Later.

March 20, 2000
Hey, we've got a webpage now as you can see. We haven't played together in a while because our singer, Collin, recently had knee surgery back in his home town, Boston. He got back last week though so we are practicing again to get ready for two shows that we have coming up. The first is April 3rd with Good Clean Fun, Eiffel, and Scott Baio Army. It is at Club 156 in Boulder. The next show we have is in Crested Butte on April 7th. That show is with Shogun and Eiffel. If you can make it to any of these shows come early to see us play and tell us what you think. Look for continual updates on the webpage, because I just started it today. I can't think of anything else of significance so until next time,


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