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The Stripes || Time Boys

The Stripes

This is Nena and Rolf first band ever (79-81).
All the lyrics were in English.
On guitar was Rainer Kitzmann, Frank Rohler was on bass, Nena Kerner vocals and Rolf Brendel Drums.

The Stripes

The Stripes

Strangers - Tell Me Your Name - Observer - Don't You Think I'm A Lady - Leaving The Suburbs - I'm Not - Tres Chichi - You Must Be Good For Something - On The Telephone - Weekend Love - Kicks In Berlin - 1:59 - Radio In Stereo

"The Stripes" 1981



"Ecstasy"/"Normal Types" 1979
"Strangers"/"Loose Control" 1980
"Tell Me Your Name"/"Weekend Love" 1980
"Don't You Think That I'm A Lady"/"On The Telephone" 1981

Time Boys

This is a band produced by Nena and Jürgen in 1986 under the names of Susi K. (Susanne Kerner) and Jay-Dee (Jürgen Dehmel).
The band didn't get much success.
Bibi Schulz (guitars), real name is Mario, was born in Hamburg on January 6th, 1955
Rudy Jürs (singer), was born in Hamburg on Sept. 28th, 1954.
 Their first album is called "Can't Jump Over" 1987