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1 || Interview 2

Message: Berlin: City life 15.06.2000
Jörn Uwe Fahrenkrog Petersen In former times it composed hits for Nena, today the music for the Eroeffnungsshow of the Sony center Tanja Buntrock "is time for me, to sing a song for you " - who does not know it, the initial lines of the world hit " 99 ballons " from Nena,
which brought the " new German wave " to waves. That were the eighties, when Twix was called still Raider and " in front short in the back long" hair-styles were not yet verpoent.
And whom still another term is, not only the punkige front woman occurs, but also to Jörn Uwe Fahrenkrog Petersen, the man behind Nena,
who had always fastened its keyboard like a guitar before the antinode bulge. Times changed,
meanwhile - like yesterday with the initialization celebration of the Sony center -
again in classic attitude behind the keyboard. It struck however not only into the taste, but he also composed the music for the Mitternachtsshow.

Think that he is 40-Jears old, back at the Nena time, it comes into the "Schmunzeln": " that was class at that time, and we won so many prices.
" A relevant proportion of this success, those the band has to thank him, because he composed the music to all their hits, as for example " Nur Geträumt " or " Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann".
Thus the group cleared not only all prices of Dieter Thomas tails " Second Channel of German Television hit parade ", but appeared also 52 times within four years on a " Bravo" Cover.
" additionally we became with 99 ballons as the first German band with a German song number 1 in the USA ", say he proudly.
When the group of 1986 resolved itself, Fahrenkrog Petersen went on his own.
He had begun already before to produce in the USA for other musicians and Heavy Metal band songs.
Now it pulled it for composing and producing completely to New York. 1992 he went nevertheless back into the homeland. For a long time it had planned to develop the music for a musical.
" I had the idea already, before there was this musical boom in Germany ". Thus it packed the project " Nostradamus " on, on which it operated over four years.
Unfortunately the musical could be never specified, because the theatre, which was built specially for it, had to be sold again.
" I stopped the project then, but the idea is not lost ". Parallel to it he wrote music for the German show " the golden camera ".
" somehow one must still earn himself the bread, he puts his cash into a large project. " At present the much-busy artist a mixture from musical and Show plans to be invented.

But he traveled a lot to Japan, the " large creative pool ". For three years it lives therefore there. The fact that he met with the Japanese drum band " Kodo " to the celebration in the Sony center makes it a little proud.
" I wanted to absolutely compose the music for the initialization celebration, finally I played as a child on the Japanese message area football already, since that time there is something that connects me with this country ".

And what Nena does? " we plan a record together. It has to come only at the correct time. " So it's life: Somehow, somewhere, sometime.

Interview 2

Welcome with Léonce - People (interview, Portraits)

" Death or Glory "

No drugs and a lot of sleep. That is like child television light ideas for the scene mainstream off the current broad to humans,
who do not stop after successes. To those around does not go become rich and famous. That has it everything behind itself.
At twelve the first school band - " I wanted to become a Popstar. " When he was 18, won with his band Odessa the senate's competition as the best Rockband of Berlin.
Only 3 years later Uwe Fahrenkrog Petersen received his first golden record. The Song was called ' Nur Geträumt ' and it was from Nena, for which he played keyboards and wrote " all our hits ".
With Nena and the band he toured whole world, played in Japan, in America and with Duran Duran in San Remo. Only in Germany they came hardly still. That destroyed the band.
" we departed from the reality. Each Bandmemebers developed in another direction, discovered new possibilities, the co-operation disintegrated."
Fahrenkrog Petersen said.

It remained sometime in the ' praised country ' and began to operate with music people such as Prince. A hard business the fact that he loved, because he is good only at that
" Where is impossible of me to require " that in addition, to sense that he was leading to a crises.
After five years he left the USA and understook that its roots were situated in Central Europe that the song writer strength of the Germans is situated in the " large melody " that he needed this environment again, in order to find himself.
His last large project in the states was Voodoo X, a Heavy metal band. " it should ahve been similar to Kiss, only much more younger. A lot of fun and devoured enormous sums at cash, but it did not bring anything.

" 1991 New start in the old homeland: " I wanted to rearrange my life again, which I didn't succeeded completely however not up to today.
The first time in the band school, then the fame as Popstar - my appointment calendar was full, but I did not have a plan for my own life.
I had all dreams already dreaming. Black Limousines could no be a motivation anymore. "
Fahrenkrog Petersen tried to make " Popart in music ".
" But it is hard to move something deeply inside. I am extremely ambitious, want to constantly challenge myself and the external world somewhat. Death or Glory - that is the most important. "
The connection of music and visual presentation became important. Fahrenkrog Petersen began to write musical. Its theme was called Nostradamus.
The record companies considered it. For theatres in Munich, already in planning, the cash was missing in the last moment.
He continued nevertheless, operated at the same time much for the television, wrote hits for Boygroups as `N Sync, became acquainted with artists and manufactures with them video installations.
And it remembered Japan. Already been there during the time with Nena", which there, there is a lot of potential for creativity.
Video, Fashion, Style - all without contact to the western world.

" 1997 he went to Tokyo, he was standing in the office to that BMG Japan and asked for assistance for a Pop project, in which American, Japanese and European artists should participate.
The Japanese smiled and nodded friendly. " nothing happened. "
Three months later Uwe with a young Japanese opera singer and an American came back RWSBY.
Nevertheless it took still another half year, before it could meet his desire candidate Nokko. With them it took up in the passed year to Tokyo and Berlin CD.
" the project is called Idorum and because the Japanese a ' r ' express cannot, sounds like Idol. "
The CD will come this year on the market. At this time Fahrenkrog Petersen will be partecipating to another project - with Nena.
" we remained always friends, but it had to be such a long time before we could collaborate together again.
Back to the German roots in the best sense.