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Every evening at the same time,
In front of the cash box, ready for the film,
Starlightning from Hollywwod,
Bogart with trenchcoat and hat - all right.

Do you want a film with Marylin
Or prefer James Dean?
I wait for and Happy- end,
Arm in arm with Cary Grant - all right.

At midnight, I sit in the cinema,
At midnight, there's the late program,
At midnight, I sit in the cinema,
Watch everything.

In the rows one to ten,
You could see deadly pale people,
And behind me in the high-places,
They all like the monsters - all right.

Through the night of the long knifes,
Crashes zombies, cannibals,
In the cinema it's like hell,
I knew it - what could I do - nothing's all right.

At midnight....

Indians like you and me,
They are mighty and afraid of nothing,
We are courageful, we are wise - we are like the indians - hough.

On the warway in the wigwam,
Indians don't notice anything,
We are courageful.....

In the evening the sun goes down,
The moon arise and I wake up,
And the night calls my name loud.

Then I have to go, I can't sleep,
We meet in empty streets,
And the night is young like we are.

Today is full moon and the night calls my name,
Come and dance with me and I kiss you for that,
Today is full moon.

This miracle only last for one night,
We dance till the sunrise,
And we fly to the moon.

Today is full moon....

I'm so alone, I want to be with you, I see your hand,
Just know it so well.
My head aches, close my my eyes, I lie in the green grass
And tell you a story.

I haven't missed nothing today,
Cause I was only dreaming of you,
We haven't seen each other for so long,
I'll come to you now.
Everything that I like in you, I mean it like I say,
I'm totally crazy now, I'll get mad if it happens today.

Oh, it's so hot for me,
I come to you,
Your look makes me angry,
Always thinking of you.

Angels have no time to take a rest,
Dreams are not waterproof,
No chance for good ghosts,
Witches are not made out of asbest.

Come really close,
Dance on the volcano.

I hear someone's crying over there,
Ready for the last breathe,
The last days are over,
Cause the volcano rules the world.

Do you have a little time for me,
Then I sing a song for you of 99 balloons,
On their way to the horizont,
Maybe you think of me now,
Then I'll sing a song for you,
Of 99 balloons and that this comes from that.

99 balloons on their way to the horizont,
They thought it were UFO's from the all,
Because of that a general took a flyer's army after it,
Take alarm, if it would be like that,
But on the horizont there were only 99 balloons.

99 jets, everyone was a big here,
Thought they were Captain Kirk,
This was a big firework,
The neighbors didn't recognize it and thought it's just on them,
But on the horizont they were shooting 99 balloons.

99 ministers of war, match and petrol-canister,
Thought they were so wise, looked for big loot,
Called : war and wanted might, man,
Who thought that it would Come so far because of 99 balloons.

99 years of war took no place for a winner,
There are no war ministers anymore,
And also jets,
Today I fly around,
See the world in chaos,
Have found a small balloon,
Think of you and let it fly.

Secret looks,
Secret looks follow my soul,
Secret looks drive me crazy - in their ban,
Baiting words,
Baiting words whisper my name,
Baiting words show me the way - where it goes.

Come on, I know the magic trick,
I make plastic reves,
Come on, I know the magic trick,
they are the plastic reves.

Birght lights, colourful lights goes around the faces,
Have the courage to go all the way.


Take off, leave,
Start once again,
Wait on a small hand,
The fire still hasn't burnt.

One time is no time

The call in another land,
The end is not known,
It's time, let you go,
To meet again is so short.

I go with you wherever you want,
Just till the end of the world,
On the sea, on the beach where the sun shines,
I want to be alone with you.

Come on, come with me up to the lighthouse,
We can see the world from up there,
An U-ship gets us out of here,
And you are the Captain.

We go on board and drive with them,
I swim behind the fishes,
Let's close all the doors and go on,
Have our time on the sea.

Hey, take a hold, the U-ship gets down,
Soon the sun will go down,
I think we are very far away,
I can't see the lighthouse anymore.

I stay at home, I stay in bed,
This world is so busy and here it's so nice,
I don't want todo anything today,
Every action will be stress,
I've got send-rest, I stay in bed.

Give away my shoes, give away my jacket,
I don't need no clothes,
I stay in bed, I don't want to.........

Leonid wants to seeme, Birne has a banket,
The Stones play in front of the house and the army dance a ballet
But I don't want to.........

I alwasy say no more, and then I do it again,
Once again, always once again,
And if for hundred times there was nothing, I do it again,
Once again.
I try it on and on, I forget myself on and on,
I trust on and on, I fall in love on and on,
And it's always good, and it always hurts,
And it's crazy sometime and it's ok sometime.
I fell on my nose on and on and then I get up again, once again,
And when I loose an hundred times, I play once again.

Do you know the satellite city?
Which they shot it all,
With a bar and a supermaket,
Cinema, barber and a park.

The astonaut-people live here,
As a pioneer in his ranch,
Lightyears aways from home,
Everyday at some point.

In the satellite city,
Like an icehill, cold and slippery.

It's a city in the future world,
Made out of steel which lasts eternally,
It's a city of the future,
Which has everything but no warmth.