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"?" (Question Mark)


Nothing in this world is worse
Than a lonely hotelroom at night,
When loneliness wakes up
Somewhere in strange cities,
You're dreaming about past parties
In the night - when loneliness wakes up.

Seconds drop out of the watch
There's no land in sight
I drink in boringness,
Help - help, save me.

Drinks and videotapes
Can't save me anymore,
It is night and loneliness wakes up
Call me, come to me, stay with me, save me,
Because out of the door there is the night
And the loneliness wakes up.

Seconds drop out of the watch
There's no land in sight
I drink in boringness,
Help - help, save me.


Head full with things which are too soon forgotten,
Where shall I start, when the time has come?
Nobody could tell me what is the best
But I never missed it.
I look around, try something,
I don't know the way.

Your car moves too fast
Cause you're travelling,
I didn't see so many things,
Nobody should tell me who is the biggest here,
I never missed it,
Cause I really know by myself,
What's the best for me.

Today I'm coming and
Today I'm leaving and
Tomorrow it's over,
Maybe I'll stay,
Yesterday is not for me,
Today I need the endless love.

Everybody knows, it's hot in the land of the elephants,
Black hand - yellow sand - and the call of the unknown,
Throught the hot jungle night goes quietly the colon of the giants.

You hear the sound of the drums at night,
But you'll never understand,
What the eyes of the elephants see.
You can hear the drums of Voodoo
But you'll never understand
What the eyes of the elephants see.

Europe-USA-Africa- three planets
Hunting for lions- microchips- evil ghosts and rockets
Through the jungle night there's an arrow flying
Like an arrow the voice of giants,
You can hear the drums at night....


In the morning when the sun rises,
You're lying in deep sleep
You looked for her the whole night through
The princess which you love, you just know her from a book
She's looking pretty, has long black hair,
Where she lives, it's much too far for you,
She's unrivalled, people say.

At night, when it's dawning,
You put on your boots,
The white horses are in front of the door,
Without them you would not be here anymore,
Because they bring you unknown through the land of fairytales
And your friends make a line for you
In front of the castle, cause you're the prince.

In the morning, when the sun rises
You're just awakening
Something has awaken you earlier
You rub your eyes, you're just turning around
Are you dreaming or is this reality?
The wind blows slowly through her hair,
She's smiling and just standing there....


Love at first sight
A hundred years are between us
An invisable wite and- click
On the beginning of a new phase.

I'm lying asleep, breathless
Icecooled in deep trauma
Locked up- miles away
No rainbow is sight.

Kiss me awake
Out of my icy sleep
Kiss me awake
Out of my deep sleep
Kiss me awake.

I'm waiting for you In this cold sleep,
I've won my time since a long time
Come to me and wake me up
Out there, there's the war of the sun.

Let me be your pirate
On all the seven seas
We sail to the horizont
And there is only the moon with us

Let me be your pilot
In hights without clouds
Full of desire I'm calling your name
We put together our money

For you I'd do the craziest things,
I'd lie the world to your feet,
And get a star from the sky - just for you
Just to kiss you one time.

Let me be your pirate
Through streets without an end
We go to the horizont
And there is only the moon with us

I still hang on you - so much
I hang on you
But unfortunately very much behind
I still hang on you - so much
I hang on you
Shit, I can't forget you.

I still hang on you- so much
I hang on you
And soon I'll come to you again

Today I'm not able to do that anymore
And if I would run for my life
I wait, till a year is over.

SOIS BIENVENU (you are welcome)
Everyone is a hero in a perfect world
Everyone hold the breath, from the sky comes superman
News at the White HOuse, Mickey Mouse is president
The ZK dances in Disneyland and
In the Kremlin plays a Hard Rock Band

All others just wait in the fifth dimension
Come on and make the first walk
Because there's no way back

Perfect world, sois bienvenue, now or never.

Politicians in white jackets
Give out their mgiht to everyone - and
They crash together in the stadium
Instead of a discussion in thr Pentagon.


The bus is just gone
I get shocked
No money for a taxy
Five pennies lost
And now it starts raining
I get mad
The bus is just gone

You haven't called
You haven't ask for me for so long
I've been waiting for so long
And thought what you would do
I thought you know what happened
But I don't get and answer from your planet.

I called you
But you weren't there
Since days I feel so funny
But everything is clear
I thought you know what happened
But I don't get an answer from your planet.

Then I finally talked to you
And then I asked you
If our roads will cross
But you didn't say anything
But I don't get an answer from your planet.

Today has been rainign for hours
Today has been raining the whole day long
There are puddles of lakes
I drive down the gutter
In a ship made out of paper
And my toy soldier which cries no tear
Is standing next to me.

Today the world gets washed
Today the earth gets wet
Today it gets down the gutter
Today it gets hardly down hill
In a ship made out of paper
And my toy soldier which cries no tear
Is standing next to me.

Today it goes to the rats
Today it goes into the channels
Although I'm the princess
But this doesn't matter.

All is dark, no lights come into the house,
The windows are closed
But there's not much difference
Everything is like it was before
Just lonely

Bad times
Also can turn my head
Now i want to see the sun again
I look and I find no pictures of you
I can't stand it in another way

It's the beginning of the end
This is somehting we can't forget
The watch which doesn't work
Would liek to tell what's on his end

I go to the car
Pull out my suitcase
There, I recognizes the garden looks really weird,
I go in and close the door behind me
It's nearly like it was - just without you.