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"Fire and Flame"



In the year 2010
I could have seen the dance of the stars
Flew away in my thoughts
With hearts made of crystal, everybody looked
Everywhere for ways into the paradise

Don't ask me who I am
Don't ask me where I go
Don't ask me of the way into the paradise
Don't ask me for metropolis

Eyes of steel
Souls of Metal
The word of the time calls me
In the labour of the history I've been the last
And stand in the mist of this world

In the house of the three suns
Far aways from this world
Where the wheels of the fate rotate lightning.
In the house of the stories
Which nobody tells
Where spaceshuttles explode lonely.
In the express train of the hope, which never stops
There's an old player fighting for his last money
He wants to get everything, just here and now
And soon the ship sinks but the captain stays on board.

Sometimes he is ok, sometimes not,
Sometimes he is lucky but most of the times he is unlucky.

In the house of the three suns he forgets the world
He never counted his losts.
The express train of hope ran off the rails
In the house fo the three suns which is called pennygrave
Everything here and now
The ship sinks but the captain stays on board.

When you wake up in the morning
And you ask yourself what this has to show
Please look into the mirror - you're young
That's great.

Hey you, what's the matter with you?
You have all your good cards in your hands
Just have to learn some rules
Then you play them all onto the wall

It was never easy being young
And the world turns around, you're feeling lonely on the run
Take it and don't ask for the price
So young like you, you can do what you want.

Young like you, you can show what you feel
Slowly you get older and you ask what this all shows -
That's great.

Hey you, what's the matter with you
You have all your good cards in your hands
Know all the rules, all the tricks, play them all onto the wall
It was never easy getting old.

If you get home now, there's a letter from me
Read it and think it over
Nobody has the courage, and it's not you
I tried to understand myself the whole day
I run around in our apartment like crazy
And look for memories in dispair
Because my heart knows it's time
This is me and so are you
I've never been so far away from you
Here I am and where are you?
Talking about you and me -
I want this and I don't want that
Summer, winter, after a long night
I thought it over again and again
I stand in front of your door
I think you are not there
The greatest love can't fix everything
We look at each other, I have to go
Soon it gets dark
We have been sitting here for hours
The greatest love can't fix everything
Not back, don't leave a word and time

I'm fire and flame
My heart is made out of paper
No fire-extinguisher on this world can save me from you
The earth turns faster, I got an infection
I think I got a fever, you got me to that
I'm fire and flame for you
The sun shines much brighter and there's no way out
I can't fight anymore, the waves get me away.


What happened last night?
Have you seen anything?
Has he brought her home?
Did he stay with her last night?

Tell me the truth, what happened?
Is it true or am I just crazy?

Do I really have to believe what people say
About what you do the whole day
And that you like her
You weren't with me the first time last night
I didn't think of anything else
And it drove me crazy the whole day, the whole night

Nobody tells me what I have to know
what happened?

What happened last night?
I can't understand the world anymore
Have you seen something?
You weren't here.
Did he brought her home
If I'd only know who she is
Was he with her last night
Tell me what happened?

I've heard you know
What happened last night?
I've heard you told somebody
I should have been there last night
I didn't think of anything else
It drove me crazy the whole day, the whole night

Nobody tells me what I have to know
What happened?

Tell me the truth, what happened?
Is it true or am I just crazy?
Nobody tells me what I have to know
Tell me what happened?
If I'd only know who she is
And if you are really with her.

Last night you weren't here
Don't you see what happen to me?
What happened last night?
Last night you weren't here,
Last night.


It's evident
We could understand each other
If we'd speak with one another

Speculators, speculate
Demonstrators, demonstrate
Cops patrol and the whole world
Sings with them the old song
Musicians make music
Criticism, criticize
Consumers, consume and the whole world
Sings with them the old song, the old song.

It's evident
We could understand each other
If we'd speak with one another

Symphatics, symphaticize
Ignorants, ignore
Factory-owners, produce and the whole world
Sings with them the old song
Elephants, gallop
Killer-Ants mutant
The Japanese photograph and the whole world
Sings with them the old song, the old song.

You know my name
You know my face
You know my eyes
You don't know my soul

You know the streets
You know the carway
You have a fast car
But you never come to end

I see you on the streets
I see you tonight
I see you on your tiger-skin
I think I have done something wrong

Do you know my name?
Do you know my face?
Do you know my eyes?
Don't you know my soul?

Yoy have the best friends
You have the face
Life makes the best for you
You don't know love

For you there's no yearning
You never felt that
Kisses without love
And a heart that freezes fast.

Sometimes it's not easy
To understand this life
Today everything is grey
And yesterday the world was so nice
A weekend in paradise
And then goodbye
But don't think I'm sad
Because I know it will still go on
With you and me

It was never so hard for me
To go home alone
I don't want to do anything without you
Nothing to hear and nothing to see
What happened with my head and my heart?
But don't think I'm sad
Because I know it will still go on
With you

I'd fly around half of the world
I have to see you again
But don't think I'm sad
because I know it will still go on.

In fall through room and time
Direction infinity
We fly like moths into the light
Just like you and me

Somehow begins sometimes
Somewhere the future
I don't wait any longer
Love grows out of courage
Don't think it over too long
We drove on firebikes in direction to
The future through the night

Give me your hand
I'll build you a castle out of sand
Somehow, somewhere, sometimes
Time has come for a bit of tenderness
Somehow, somewhere, sometimes

In fall through room and time
Awaken from a dream

Just a short time
Then comes the night again