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Midnight has passed, fog in the streets
Just us - finally alone
Left from the world

It's time to go home
The party is beeen over for a long time
All wheels stand still
And just the rats go to sleep

Angel of the night can't fly
Angel of the night want to fall in love
Angel of the night want to be nothing
Angel of the night than an angel for one night

Angel of the night don't want to miss anything
Angel of the night want to dream his dreams
Angel of the night in seventh heaven
Angel of the night still stay awake


They came shot from the sky
These people of earth
They nearly looked like the same as we do
But they spoke in another way than people here

Everything went on too fast
And because of that you weren't able to see us
And we didn't want to shock you
But we are longing to see you again

Please coem here another time
And fetch your old car
We have much to tell you
That you can make some things better

From here above it looks so good
What you do and that there is nothing left
Run to the sun
Good luck and don't miss much time...

Here on the moon
There stands a car
And the keys are still in it
They just came here
And nobody knew from where....


It's been in this city for a few years
But they didn't want to see it and didn't ask for it
Sometimes it was cold - but only one came

Black days but he finally recognized it
He went out to the fire without fear
To stand on the edge - to look into these eyes
What makes him crazy, he can't flee

They found him, all alone in this night
Without life, it killed him
Nothing more to do - it was over
Nobody cried for him on the next day
And they knew nothing, he did it for them
And also for himself...
It's never finished - it never stops

Free like the wind
Wild like a storm
Eternal light and fire burns inside of him
He fought - paid for it
Never stops
Never gets old.


For a world without anger
There are too many lies
For a world without fights
There is too many might
For a world without tricks
There are too many players
And too many loosers
Because there isn't enough sun
For a world without night

But it would be nice
If dreams could get in performance
It would be nice
I could have seen the future
It's ok, it's not easy
I know you can wait a long time for it
But it would be nice

For a world without war
We don't have the arms
For a world without fear
We don't have the courage
For a world without hurry
Just a second gets us apart
We run dan and night to the sun


Good night and nice dreams
What happens to you when you're on the run?
Where your aim is - that you've been there
You told me many things of your world

Good night and nice dreams
Although I couldn't come with you
Just make a wish, what you want
I think that you take everything,
Don't get lost

Big travel to the future
It gets you out into the adventure and get burned
And because there is no one to cry, you begin to run
And land somewhere - Tokyo

Tell stories - I'm able to do that too
But you experienced them
Good night and dream yourself away into paradise
I am here when you come back
Wonder take much time


I called you this morning
I just wanted to ask you how you are
And what you do
But I soon realized you are not alone
You talked to me in that funny way
There was something new and I thought I'd die
It was totally clear - somebody lied next to you

And now you are gone - and not coming back
And being friends is so hard for us
What else, what can I do?
To go out of your way and now you are gone...
I don't know if it's my fault or not, maybe
I wish that I can forget you now

We both wanted to stay together forever
But some weeks ago, we recognized, it can't go on
It should have been without quarrel and jealousy
We wanted to stay real friends
But I'm feeling so alone
Because there's not much left from the years
I still love you so much...

When we meet someday
Maybe we can together
Go on on a new street.

Didn't they tell you it's ok
With your life and all the things
I wanted to knwo how to make it
I've asked many times
Who had to look into the future
To see the next day
To tell about it and to give an answer
Don't wait, because you 're awaken

The night is at its end
New life, new beginning
Look around, you're not alone
What you can do.

Do you wait for an adventure
Or that something will happen
It's in your hands and you just recognized it
you now think if it's right
And what helds you still there
Don't wait, cause you're awaken

Ask your heart and make a wish
It's you - don't be afraid


In front of the lost propriety office
Of lost dreams
There are so many people
And wait day and night
But the lost propriety office
Of lost dreams
Never opened the doors

Also me, I've lost sometime
But I want revenge
I provoke luck
Just at the next chance
I'll show you what I can do
Just here and today
The next round starts

The police, for stolen cars, is never there
If somebody needs them
But in the club
Of the lonely hearts
People also understand each other

I don't know where you live
I don't know who you are
I don't know what you do
And I don't know whom you kiss

But nevertheless we belong to each other
We belong to each other
I feel we belong to each other
Like the sun and the moon
Like the clouds and the sea
Like the summer and the fall
We belong to each other - together
We have our opinions
We have our quarrels
Sometimes I'm hurt
But I'm never sorry
Because somehow we belong to each other
We belong to each other
I know we belong to each other

You drive through the whole world
Like a mountain made out of ice
You don't show much of you
You're are likea mountain made out of ice

But somewhere an icebreaker waits for you
Somebody who makes you melt
Maybe someone like me

Icebreakers don't break hearts
Icebreakers just break the ice

No icebear and no pinguin
No life around
The snowman is your best friend
You love the loneliness

But somewhere an icebreaker waits for you
Somebody who makes you melt
This time you can't flee