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The Seren Las CSU

04 / 10 / 02

OK, here are the facts...A Gair Rhydd representative wrote a review of the event which can be seen here. Five CDs were given out in total, including one to the bouncer! Apparently we've improved since the last time people saw songs went well...oh yeah - be careful not to get trapped under the wheels of the 'Nerve Live Saga' as it once again gathers momentum, 'ave it!

31 / 10 / 01

Continuing their penchant for spooky gigs, Nerve.424 played on Halloween under a full moon! Despite performing in what was essentially a caffeteria with glow in the dark eyes stuck to the walls and encountering the usual plethora of technical problems, (DI bass causing trouble and vocal level set too low to name but a few) the gig was overall a success. It should also be noted that Rich played the entire set dressed as the 'Scream Guy'. There he is on the right auditioning for a part in that classic 80's film 'Cocoon'.

12 / 10 / 00

Nerve.424 yet again played the University venue with Soma at the ingeniously named 'Rock-tober' party and received their first public review in Gair Rhydd. The less said about the reviewer the better, but suffice to say that he couldn't even get the names of the two bands on the bill the right way around.

29 / 03 / 00

Upon the invitation of Cardiff University's Natural History Society, Nerve.424 played a one-off "party-tune" set to a fancy-dressed audience. Monkey Wrench, Song 2 and Today made their first and only appearances in Nerve.424's live show. The same could be said for Matt's pigtails. Ideal Standard just about managed to close the set, despite the fact that Dave's kit seemed intent on escaping him.

08 / 03 / 00

Nerve.424 play the Live Music Society-organised Rock 'n' Sausage Roll event, along with the Betty Ford Jazz Quartet (now known as Soma) and fellow Cardiff Soundscene band Durkah. The band's first full-length set was made up of half covers and half originals. The editor of Gair Rhydd obviously didn't get the joke in the title of the event as it appeared in the listings as shown to the right.