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The classic FPS from ID Software. Despite being quite an old game (we now have Quake 3), many gamers will still remember it for years to come. Great graphics for the time, flowing gameplay and realistic sound effects, this game had it all. But that's not why this section is here. No, the reason this section is here is also one of the reasons the game worked so well... the music. Composed by none other than Trent Reznor himself.

After being approached by ID Software, Trent agreed to create the music for Quake. And what a great job he did. Sounding menacing, dark, ambient and eerie, often all at once, Trent's soundtrack added much to the final game. Most importantly and obviously a broading atmosphere.

Click below to listen to some samples from the game. The tracks are meant to be listened to as part of the gaming experience, so don't expect them to be anything like a 'normal' NIN track, more of an interesting soundscape. None the less, they're worth checking out.

Left click to open file, right click and Save Target As... to save.

Quake - Track 5 - real media, 750kb