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Coming Soon From Trent: *UPDATED*


Tomb Raider OST and Deep Video. The soundtrack featuring the new NIN song, Deep, is out now. The video, directed by Enda Mccallion, is now done and in rotation on TV, though it has yet to be shown in the UK. Go to for a streaming audio version of Deep and the video, plus a feature on the video


New Nine Inch Nails Album. He described it as more 'electronic' but also more 'aggresive'. I wait in anticipation. It is hoped to be out circa-2001.


Fragility DVD. Live footage spanning the last 10 shows of the American leg of Fragility 2.0. Should also be available on VHS.

Update - Now entitled "And All That Could Have Been..." check out the official site for a trailer. You have to wait a few minutes for the trailer to start loading.


Live Album. Not much is known yet about this CD. Trent did make the point that a lot of the old songs have changed since they were first done, so expect something very intriguing. Hoped to be out in 2001.


Tapeworm Project. A very ambitious side project, consisting the talent of many famous and talented artists. So far Maynard James Keenan (of Tool/APC) is confirmed to have given vocals to one track. Phil Anselmo is hoped to be on the CD as well. This is tentatively scheduled for a 2001 release.

Update - APC played the Tapeworm song that Maynard sings on called Vacant in a live show in the US. Having heard it, I have to say the Tapeworm Project is showing much promise. Watch for more news as it develops.


An as yet untitled side project. Trent is writing music for this project. He hopes to find a female vocalist to perform the songs. Trent has described it as, 'icy, soulful' music. Trent has as yet not found the vocalist, so don't expect it any time soon.


We shouldn't hold our breath just yet though. These deadlines are very ambitious and although possible, it is not very likey that all projects will be out before 2002.