07/14/2002- demo is done. and we have decided to change our name. you can call us TIF. you figure it out.

05/12/02- check that. we are not almost done recording our new demo. it will probably be done some time in 2005 at the rate we are going. seriously though...umm...probably by late june early july. in the meantime iuma and mp3 should have a rough mix of "shipping and receiving" up soon.

03/19/02- we are almost done recording our new demo...itll probably be done by mid to late april.

11/10/01- we finally have a singer...warren swan of unsound, the band whore that he is, is cool with doing double duty for us and unsound...which couldnt make us happier

6/24/01- Posted solo material on links page.

1/30/01- You can find our AIM screen names in the bio section.

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