I want to ask you to seriously consider a potential threat to our personal freedoms that is presented by an unassuming but suppressive political movement that is growing in our country, the Politically Correct Movement. Let me set the stage by reminding you of some not-so-recent history. Have you heard of the political movement that occurred in the 1950's called McCarthyism? At the height of the Cold War fear gripped the land. Fear of nuclear war, communist expansionism, and most heinous of all - the infiltrating of government by communist spies and sympathizers. Senator McCarthy demanded that we purge our country from a perceived communist threat in our midst. Clothed in the respectability of the Senate Un-American Activities Committee, he and his cohorts were judge, jury, and executioner. Hundreds of their political or entertainment-industry enemies were systematically labeled, slandered, and blacklisted. They lost their professional status, employment, human dignity, and personal freedoms. Constitutional rights were routinely suspended, ignored and violated. Take the now infamous Dan Quayle/Murphy Brown speech as an example. Do you recall the ensuing media feeding frenzy, the hype and hoopla, and devaluation of our society's time-honored traditional family values? Dan Quayle was ridiculed, mocked, slandered, shamed and blacklisted - (sound like Mr. McCarthy's tactics?) Let me here insert a personal note: I am not "pro-Quayle", "religious-right", or a Republican, but I am "pro-journalistic and a strong advocate of literary accuracy and fairness". And how about spelling "Potato(e)"? Now there's an effective measuring stick for public office and governmental leadership! This is definitely P.C. at its' best. Political Correctness is deceptively misleading. While it claims to promote diversity, I believe it instead insults and destroys the true goals of diversity itself by labeling, classifying and promoting it's own brand of prejudice. It excludes free thought, independent thinking and freedom of speech by substituting its' own exclusive, solely acceptable perspective and positioning on most current social and political issues. Notwithstanding, the effects and influence of this ideology reach across the political and social boundaries and even exert some influence in the church. It is fair to state that there is even a growing fear among Evangelical and Fundamentalist followers of Jesus Christ to openly state their traditional Christian beliefs in the current socio-political climate that exists. It seems to me that this is mostly due to the increasing sway of public opinion (that comes about through Politically Correct pressures) that automatically equates prejudice to conservative Christianity, assuming a guilt-by-association and tacit approval of such percieved radical fringe groups as the Oregon Citizens Alliance (OCA). Could this be the beginning of a Politically Correct sponsored form of prejudice against conservative Christians? (Let me make another personal statement: I do not totally agree w/ either the NO or YES on homosexual rights groups. To me, both polarized views are unbalanced and extremist, each side betraying their own stated altruistic ideals by their open displays of disgusting behavior and stop-at-nothing tactics. I guess it is safe to say that I am definitely not PC, or tied to either group!). So where will Politically Correct movement lead us? Will it lead us into freedom or into bondage? Into true diversity, equality and mutual respect of our fellow humans and co-inhabitants of this interstellar oasis called Earth? Or will it lead us into diversity-at-all-costs, and special rights for all, with everyone demanding their own rights until finally no one has ANY rights left? If this occurs, society may disintegrate, fracturing America and unleashing anarchy. As another example of Political Correctness, take a look at the promotion of "safe-sex". According to an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association on May 1st, 1987, "the HIV virus is 1/25th the width of sperm and can pass easily through even the smallest gaps in condoms. Researchers studying surgical gloves made out of latex, the same material in condoms, found 'channels of 5 microns that penetrated the entire thickness of the glove.' HIV measures .1 microns". That means that 50 HIV viruses could pass side-by-side through a hole in the latex walls of a standard condom, but no one is telling our teens or our populace about this. Is the concept of a still, small voice, crying out in the wilderness for simple abstinence really all that unreasonable? Abstinence is easily painted Puritanical, and ridiculed as Victorian or prudish. It flies in the face of the approved Politically Correct propaganda of unlimited sexual freedom and license - abortion on demand, sex among same-sex or different-sex consenting adults, and even among teens. Could it be that there is a controlling, suppressive power of fear and intimidation, manipulation and media-dominance being imposed upon our society by the forces of the Politically Correct? Author Barbara Amiel states; "Left-liberals have made people feel that the common-sense convictions they hold are shameful and are nothing more than the despicable reactions of rednecks". This is the politically-correct method of control. Political Correctness routinely labels, ridicules, invalidates and dehumanizes any individual or group that presents opposing viewpoints or statistical data. They then re-define, confuse and depersonalize both these people and their issues, (reducing them to simple-minded slogans or three-second sound-bytes which are presented in exaggerated or graphic displays taken out of context) to present to the mesmerized masses on the nightly news. If my hypothesis is right, what could be the end result of this madness? I believe that if left unchecked, the bullying forces of the politically-correct movement can bring us to a point of national and societal paralysis. This avoidance and abdication of our "certain inalienable rights", (as our founding fathers once stated) may leave us unable to deal decisively with the real problems that are facing our country and our people. It may impose a gridlock of self-absorption and an inability to act or speak out for fear of retaliation. The seeds of destruction that could destroy America from within may already be planted. This is my hypothesis, and now it's really up to you. What do you think is true? Am I even partly right? Is any of this happening? If you disagree, will you label me a right-wing conservative, a radical extremist, a fascist, or a politically-incorrect Neanderthal? Or am I merely a sincere, concerned citizen, asking you to think about where we are headed, and if you really want to go there. I could be wrong, (and I hope I am - for our future freedom's sake), but I might be right! Please consider this potential threat to your precious personal freedoms called political-correctness, and make up YOUR OWN mind!!! Being Politically Correct
Copyright 2000 by Randall Alan Fultz.
Have you ever heard of the method used to boil a live frog? First, put it in a kettle along with some water, and then slowly turn up the heat until it gets so hot that the frog is literally boiled alive. Oddly enough, the frog doesn't even notice it's cooking to death, because the change in heat is so gradual... Could it possibly be that Americans living at the dawn of the 21st century are slowly simmering, and on our way to a similar fate?
This was an American atrocity of the first order, a crime of fear and prejudice which we cannot allow to happen again. Yet, is it possible that a similar evil is even now among us? Like McCarthyism, the Political Correctness Movement can scandalize or distort reality to invalidate all opposing viewpoints, even to the radical extreme of assassinating an individual's character. Perhaps you have noticed how today's press is quick to illuminate ANY personal failure, impropriety, or inconsistency in the public or private life of anyone who has gained a measure of notoriety. This has been pursued to the point that we have dethroned, eliminated or demonized most of our American heroes, leaving precious few role models for young people to emulate. I call it "The Dumbing of America", wherein everyone is brought down to the same plain-vanilla level of mediocrity or non-respectability. After all, in our profit-minded media, it is only hype and sensationalism that sells. Unembellished or undistorted truth is not a money-maker. . . Seedy, overly-exaggerated stories, fabricated scandals and juicy rumors SELL!
Another example of PC's inroads into the Church is the recent decision by the Southern Baptist Convention, and others, that they will defray from using any terminology that alludes to warfare or crusades. Their reasons are "… to not offend other groups". But if their befif is true - that the World is filled with Evil - should we abdicate fighting against that Evil, just so that we do not offend anyone? Where will it end? I see the end result of taking this road as a true loss of ground.
Only a few isolated and sadly unheeded Christian voices have even presented this information, most notably Dr. James Dobson. But all have been labeled "fundamentalists" or the "religious-right" and have been ignored. After all, safe sex is politically correct, and has an enormous amount of government financing, liberal and ideological support, so it must be true, right?
This control of information is nothing short of an immoral, outrageous and heinous crime against the citizens and youth of our country! It is a betrayal of human decency, not to mention an extreme breach of trust against the unborn generations of Americans yet to come!
Even more surprising than ignoring HIV/AIDS, there is an unprecedented outbreak of STD's (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) occurring throughout the United States. Although, to their credit, the Centers for Disease Control has stated that levels of STD infections such as clamydia are "of epidemic proportions", why has the medical profession, the AMA, and the US Center for Disease Control been almost entirely silent about this? What could possibly cause professionals and government leaders to allow this atrocity against our nation to continue? Could it be the fear, intimidation and control wielded by the Politically-Correct elite?
Canadian conservative George Jonas comments that, "When a nation feels compelled to specially legislate liberty and justice, there is a chance that it indeed has neither". Where is liberty and justice in America today?
The great irony of all of this is that it will all be done in the name of "fairness" - to supposedly promote and honor diversity, to honor the esteemed virtues of fairness to all individuals, minority groups, underprivileged and special-interest groups of every kind.
Each and every one will in their turn be exploited and victimized while the politically-correct carpetbaggers pick every pocket clean as they destroy the vitality, freedom and very soul of America!
I truly believe that the battle is heating up for the personal freedoms of all Americans - that these "certain inalienable rights" are being greatly threatened, and that now is the time to boldly step forward and insist on change.
We can refuse to heed the warnings and fail to face up to these dangers, or we can stand up, boldly take hold of our responsibilities, and fight with our words and our votes for the freedoms that are our birthright as Americans.
Will your response be one of action, or one of apathy? Our children, and generations of Americans yet to come will inherit the results. Will we, like the frog in the kettle, fail to notice as things are slowly moving towards the boiling point?
Copyright 2000 by Randall Alan Fultz."Now many will hear of the wonderful things He has done for me, & put their trust in Him"(Ps 40:3)
E-Mail Randy at:.randyrocket@juno.com           
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