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Rose's Story

"I was extremely lucky to have the opportunity to meet Rick twice in one week. The first experience was in Manchester, NH on 8/15,03. I had meet and greet passes I won with The Bright Star foundation. At first we wondered if it would ever happen, since after the show the fire alarms went of in the arena and security had kept us outside for a half an hour (may I add--the LONGEST half hour of my life!!!!!) But then security escorted us to Rick and I couldn't believe my eyes---there he was!!! He was just an all around nice guy. He would sign anything you wanted. I brought in fan club newsletters I had when I joined the Rock Brigade fan club back in 1983. He likes the old stuff guys!!!! He took tonz of photos with me and my husband and even Malvin took some shots of Rick and us. We talked about his upcomming marriage---The same day as my wedding anniversary which was cool! I also told him I would be seeing him in Boston on 8/19/03 since I won meet and greets for that show. I was hoping at that point he didn't think I was a stalker or something!!! Ha Ha!

Well just when I was on cloud 9, met my favorite idol, and life couldn't be better, I found out that I won to the soundcheck and to perform in Rick's drum circle before the MA show. I was thrilled--- A whole day with my favorite band!!! The soundcheck was a great experience and it was even more thrilling when we found out that Access Hollywood was filming!!!

We all sit down to participate in the drum circle and I was so nervous!! Not only have I never played drums but I'm sitting right next to Rick!!! And Billy Bush from Access Hollywood comes right up to me and asks me how I heard of all this. I thought I was gonna clam up I was so nervous, but then as my husband always says--- you started talking and you would never shut up!!! haha!

We played drums for almost an hour. It was a great experience. Afterwards we took more photos and autographs. Oh when I sat down he said "It's nice to see familiar faces !" Then I felt relaxed that he didn't think I was a crazy fan. We saw the show---INCREDIBLE!! and went backstage after. We took more photos, more autographs. This time I had him sign a DJ copy of Breathe A Sigh from Slang album. I purchased it when I visited London a few years back. It was our wedding song--and since our anniversary will soon be his anniversary he signed it "Happy Anniversary."

We were thrilled to be able to spend so much time with him. He is a truely remarkable guy, very down to earth and it made everything so memorable!! We even got to meet Phil and Joe which was a bonus. I hope you enjoyed my experiences as much as I enjoyed recapping it!! Also if any one who did attend that drum circle is reading this--You guys were great to talk to and me and my husband Joe really enjoyed meeting you."
