This is just a collection of saying and
thoughts...Brought to you by the good people of...
Uhh.. Lesley world.
"That's pertty interesting."
"Don't use that!!! It was expensive!" Said Jade.
"Jaide..." Said Lesley and she smiled quietly to hereslf (Monty Python joke) "It says Avon on the bottom."
" Oh God Jesse!!! We're turning into Silvers!!!" - Lesley
"Whatever! You don't know me! Whatever".
"Your mom thinks your a loser!" - Lesley
"No, that's YOUR mom...." - Jesse "My mom KNOWS I'm cool."
"Its too expensive!"
"Uterus Bomb" - Paul
"I'm Bad.. bad-bad-bad!"
Something else I ponder... If a real human heart, was named.. uhh lets say a turnup (and the real turnups were, uhh..called something else. THIS ISN'T REALLY THE POINT ) Anyway.. okay, would we still think a heart would look like a red heart like those candy thingys you get on valentines day?? ...
"This is a picture of perfect badness." Amber said as she raised up a emty picture frame to her face.
Okay, I know that I haven't really given you any advice, but here it goes. "Marry well, and marry often" If you get it, good. If you don't and your offened, get a sence of humor!
I got some more advice! Wow, I'm a kettle of useless Knowledge tonite! Anyhoo.. If you forget who you are, or wonder "Who the hell am I?" Stare in the mirror till you freak out. Oh wait! I'm not done! You freak out because you can't believe that thats really you. Because your different from the person inside, But thats who you really are.... and if you don't freak out you ask? YOUR A FREAK!
You know those little warning things on the side of your ciarette packages? Isn't it ironic that you have to buy Them first before you get the warning? I mean who's gonna buy the smokes just for the warning? and if so there not gonna NOT smoke them.
"100 things to do when your in Walmart.1. Dart around to the theme mission impossible." - Amber
"I have a little something for you in my pocket..." Then the person digs around in their pocket and pulls out the finger (the = middle finger)
You can't wait for someone else to make you happy, You have to do it on your own.
To answer Amber's question I put earlier, Carnies do not smell like cabbage.
cotton candy is like selling sugar air. Who ever thought it up has my soul.(and couches that turn into beds..)
Ever notice how no one wants to take credit for creating telemarketing?
"Your just saying that because your all liquored up!
its the alcohol talking!"
One thing... one minor detail to slowly going crazy is when people leave just a little bit of milk left, not even enough for a glass just so they don't have to fill it up again, take out a bag and cut a hole. I mean.. do those people know how ..ARGG!! that makes me?!?
"This is a little present for your girly friend...HURRR" - Paul, reenactment of a sketch from Staurday Night Live.
You know those bars on the roof of the inside of your car? Do you know what there for, or what there called? There Oh my God bars. When your going to crash, although who would crash their car, maybe for the insurance but thats fraud and were not talking about that. Anyways...You grab them and yell, "OH MY GOD!" makes perfect sence? I mean.. ya
Theres only two things I hate in the world,
1) the world
2) pocket lint
This just in, clams move at the speed of light. With their foot, Yes singular.
Hint: Get them when there having tea.
"We all know how amazing your breathing rocks are, but can you please keep it down?"
I just spilt water on myself, I have a drinking problem.
"Note to self: Don't piss off omnipitant being."